Great Lent is not only a refusal or abstinence in food and fleshly life, but also a spiritual cleansing from all anger, to bring on passions that torment the human spirit. Preparations for fasting begins three weeks before its onset, and for each of them the Orthodox Church has its own requirements and prayers. The Great Lent itself lasts 40 days, which serves as a reminder of the time that Jesus Christ spent in the wilderness.

It is necessary
Lenten meals, loose clothing, comfortable shoes
Step 1
There is no fast during the first preparatory week, and therefore it is called "continuous week". On Sunday, during the Liturgy, a parable from the Gospel "The Pharisee and the Publican" is read. The purpose of this parable is to prepare believers for the fact that only humility and sincere tearful prayer will help win mercy from God, see their mistakes and change for the better. Fasting should be approached without pride and with repentance.
Step 2
In the second week of preparation, Wednesday and Friday are fast. At the Sunday Liturgy, the parable "The Prodigal Son" is read. Its essence is to convey to those who have come to church that although the Orthodox sometimes deviate from the faith, the Holy Church calls to return to God and gives hope for God's mercy if the repentance of sins is sincere.
Step 3
"Meat", "Cheese" or "Shrovetide" is the third preparatory week. On Wednesdays and Fridays, you can eat all foods except meat. At the Liturgy, the Gospel "On the Last Judgment" is read, with this the church reminds that good deeds need to be done, calls sinners to repentance and reminds them that all sins will have to be answered.
Step 4
On the last "Forgiven" Sunday before Great Lent, it is customary to ask each other for forgiveness and take all measures to reconcile with the warring ones. On this day, otherwise known as "Cheese", the last time before Lent you can eat butter, eggs and cheese.
Step 5
On "Clean Monday" you need to get a good night's sleep in order to gain strength before a long and strict Great Lent. Since during home prayers, you will need to bow down, make sure that there is space in the room for this. General cleaning is not allowed on this day, as the entire house must be cleaned in advance.
Step 6
According to the church charter, the first two days of Great Lent cannot be taken, but since it is difficult to follow this rule in modern life, it is allowed on these days to cook lean vegetable dishes without vegetable oil. Considering that the purpose of fasting is prayer, humility and repentance, it is better to prepare food in advance for the first week, and for subsequent meals should be as simple as possible.
Step 7
For the duration of Lent, she recommends covering the TV with a dark cloth. A number of Christians at this time limit or completely stop their communication on social networks and in the Internet communities, some even delete their accounts.
Step 8
As you prepare for Great Lent, think in advance about what you will be attending long-term services. Shoes should be as comfortable as possible for long standing, clothes should be such that it is easy to bend down in it, since multiple prostrations are expected during the service. In addition to a scarf, women can wear a knitted hat on their heads - such a headdress will not fly off when bowing. A skirt should be taken long and loose, so that it does not hinder movement and does not attract too much attention. A loose dress or sundress is also suitable; it is better to wear a tunic over the trousers.