Lev Zbarsky, a famous Soviet artist, lived a long and interesting life. His name is most often mentioned in connection with the famous fashion model Regina Zbarskaya. The artist was her husband. The series "The Red Queen" was filmed about this story.

Felix-Lev Zbarsky was born on November 12, 1931. His family was intelligent, his father and older brother were famous scientists. The boy was named with a double name in honor of Felix Dzerzhinsky and Lev Karpov, the authorities of his father. The future artist himself preferred the name Lev.
In childhood and adolescence, Leo did not need anything, he belonged to the so-called "golden youth", and everyday problems did not bother him.
Lev Zbarsky early showed an artistic gift, and the young man began to spend all his free time in his studio in the center of Moscow.
Women of Lev Zbarsky
The personal life of Lev Zbarsky was very exciting, but often tragic for his companions. The artist attracted women simply magnetically. Although, according to eyewitnesses, there was nothing special in the appearance of Lev Zbarsky. He was thin and had an unattractive face. But, probably, charm, wit and talent helped the artist to conquer women's hearts.
Lev Zbarsky met the fashion model Regina Kolesnikova in his workshop in Moscow, where the "golden youth" of that time often gathered. At first, the artist idolized this delightful woman and literally carried her in his arms. In the first years of marriage, this was the most beautiful couple in Moscow.
But the artist was very windy. He quickly got tired of any jewelry, even the most exquisite. In addition, Regina wanted a child, and Leo believed that this would ruin her figure and prevent him from creating. Regina had an abortion, which she immediately regretted as she could no longer have children.
And Zbarsky, meanwhile, was carried away by another famous beauty, Marianna Vertinskaya. True, the romance with her did not last long, since the artist soon met the actress Lyudmila Maksakova, who was then at the height of her fame. For the sake of Lyudmila, Leo divorced Regina, which caused a series of depressions in the model, from which she never got out. Regina Zbarskaya several times lay in psychiatric clinics, and then committed suicide.
The marriage with Lev Zbarsky did not bring happiness to Lyudmila Maksakova. She decided to give birth to a child from her husband, the son of Maxim. But the artist could not stand the screams of children and constantly spent time in his studio, away from his family. And two years after the birth of his son, the artist left for Israel and never returned to his homeland. The son never saw his father again.
last years of life
The last years of his life, Lev Zbarsky spent in the United States, where he lived alone, a recluse. He died at the age of eighty-four. The famous artist spent his last days in a hospice. At the funeral of Lev Zbarsky were two of his grandsons, who were at that time in the United States and accidentally learned about the death of his grandfather. They never saw their grandfather alive.