Biography Of Barry Manilow

Biography Of Barry Manilow
Biography Of Barry Manilow

Barry Manilow is an American showman, singer, and producer. He released about 77 million discs, which were sold in different countries. Barry has won several dozen awards. Among them is the Emmy Award.

Barry Manilow
Barry Manilow

Biography Early period

Barry Alan Pincus is Barry Manilow's real name. He was born June 17, 1943 in Brooklyn. Raised by a Jewish grandmother. Barry himself has Jewish-Irish roots.

At the age of 10, the boy was already playing the accordion freely. After 3 years, he was presented with a piano, which the future artist dreamed of.

Barry Elan Pincus was a sociable, well-mannered child, did not like to chase a ball in the yard or hooligan with his peers. He attended a music school. He was considered one of the best students.


At the age of 21, Barry Manilow became the author of the musical "The Drunkard", which quickly conquered the Broadway stage and did not leave them for almost a decade.

He received his main income from radio stations for which he wrote callsigns, as well as from transnational corporations for commercials.


Barry found an official job when he was 29 years old. He became the impresario for actress Bette Midler. It was in this field that Manilow declared himself as an ideological personality. The vocal guy was noticed by the management of the recording company "Arista Records".

In 1973, Barry's first album was released. Some of the songs featured guitar rock. Tenor Manilow's later works were in the style of pop music with elements of piano performances.


Barry Manilow became famous for his piano ballads: "Mandy", "I write the songs".

The peak of popularity was in the 70s. The singer has won the hearts of millions of fans around the globe. Even the negative comments of music experts did not cool the tenor's creative ardor. In 1978, Manilow created the disco hit "Copacabana".


Barry Manilow began to be invited to appear in films, TV series, commercials, talk shows. After the participation of the artist, the ratings of the programs immediately took off.

Giving performances in different countries, he showed record box office receipts. Manilow became the first performer to be invited to the Blenheim Residence of the Dukes of Marlborough.


In 1987 the legendary musician performed with Alla Pugacheva, presenting the composition "The Voice" in two languages. Thus, the artists opened the largest telethon in Austria dedicated to the creation of the architectural composition "Our Planet".

Frank Sinatra was a fan of Manilow's art. He has repeatedly named him his successor, and Barry's contribution to the development of pop music is incredible.

In 2006, a new album by the artist was released, which for a long time held the first place in the prestigious charts.


Personal life

In 2014, Barry Manilow and Harry Keefa hosted a wedding ceremony. Only the best friends were invited to the celebration. Barry and Harry have been together for over 30 years.


The close circle of the couple claims that the partners understand each other not that at a glance, they only need one glance.
