Psalm 90: Why They Read 40 Times, The Meaning Of The Text

Psalm 90: Why They Read 40 Times, The Meaning Of The Text
Psalm 90: Why They Read 40 Times, The Meaning Of The Text

Believers know about the sacred power of Psalm 90, better known by its first words "Alive in help." How is it different from other psalms and prayers? In order to slightly open the veil of mystery and join the knowledge necessary for protection from everyday needs and attacks of the dark forces of knowledge, one should carefully study the opinion of noteworthy clergy who have thoroughly studied this issue.

Sacred text-amulet
Sacred text-amulet

Placed in the Psalter, the ancient text of Psalm 90 was used throughout the Old Testament history in various divine services. The very meaning of the text indicates its purpose. For example, on Good Friday (the most sacred day of the year for believing Christians), verses from this mystical song are sure to sound. In addition, the words of this psalm are found in the New Testament (the Gospels of Matthew and Luke). Here it is indicated that this text is very effective in the attacks of the devil.


According to religious tradition, any strong trials in life should be associated with the Lord's permission to test the strength of the human soul through the attacks of the enemy of the human race. In addition, the many temptations that persecute people every day subject many to temptations in the form of lust, deception, betrayal and similar sinful manifestations of human nature. In addition, a person's faith in the Savior is regularly attacked by demonic entities, which in their manifestations use a variety of tricks and tricks. And it is Psalm 90 in this context that can be regarded as the most effective talisman against this kind of mental confusion and sinful thoughts.

The essence of the text of psalm 90

For all who constantly resort to the protection of our Lord Jesus Christ through "Psalm 90", it is no secret that this is one of the most powerful prayers, the words of which are permeated with a sacred connection with Him. In it, the text is permeated with the monumental thought that, having trusted the Savior, one can no longer be afraid of any danger and adversity. After all, it is in faith that the power that overwhelms any devilish attacks is contained. In addition, Psalm 90 points to the Coming of the Savior, which will crown the entire life path of a person striving to be reunited with Him.

It should be understood that this Song of David has beautiful poetry and clear structure. The entire text is divided into three parts: the first (1, 2 verses), the second (3-13 verses) and the third (14-16 verses). And the meaning of Psalm 90 should be interpreted as follows:

The Lord never refuses to help those who believe in Him and always hears any of them. The Savior does not reject the requests of even people who often sin, because He always gives them the opportunity to repent and embark on the path of true Faith.

The Lord will protect the believer with his Wing of Love
The Lord will protect the believer with his Wing of Love

In order for the prayer to reach the deepest depths of the human soul, an appropriate attitude is required before reading it. The Lord is not interested in empty words, but he needs strong faith and a burning desire to become better. Therefore, before the psalm, you need to repent of your sins before the Lord (ideally, to confess to the priest in the temple). It is advisable to ask the priest's blessing and memorize it before reading Psalm 90.

In addition, you should know that the psalm should be recited either in the church in front of the icon of the Savior, or at home in front of the iconostasis. The prayer book in which the text of "Psalm 90" is printed must be consecrated, and the one reading the text on it must be baptized and wear a pectoral cross.

It is important to remember that any urge of the flesh and spirit to sin must be stopped by this protective prayer! It is for your invulnerability from the human enemy that you need to know the words of Psalm 90 by heart in order to appeal to the support of Heaven at any moment.

In modern society, there is an opinion that for guaranteed protection against the attacks of devilish forces, you need to turn to various kinds of magicians and psychics, whose abilities supposedly provide more durable protection. Some believe that with the proper financial interest of these specialists, they themselves can entrust this hard and burdensome mental work to third parties. But after all, in such a position lies a deliberate forgery and deception, since no one is able to make a person realize his duty to himself and those around him in full without his own efforts over himself.

Only spiritual deed is able to put a person on the true path in his desire to renounce sins. And it is the work of the soul that can be rightfully considered invaluable, and not the prayers of third parties uttered with their financial motivation. And in general, the dialogue with God is so sacred and intimate in nature of communication that it is categorically impossible to allow anyone who is not trustworthy there.

Numerous reviews of Orthodox Christians who turn to Psalm 90 in moments of spiritual need objectively prove the guaranteed effectiveness of this Song of David. It is important to memorize the text and use this "protective letter" everywhere and always, as Theophan the Recluse advises. In addition, the constant appeal to our Lord Jesus Christ through this psalm singing will have a very positive effect on the spending of the time that everyone spends every day on the subway or other means of transport. The same saint, along with the words "Alive in help," recommends reciting Psalms 26 and 69, as reading together further strengthens the believer's awareness of the Love of the Lord.

Why read 40 times

Since this verse is necessary primarily as a defense against all sorts of temptations, it is not difficult to understand the moment of the attack of the devil's forces in this case. Each is overwhelmed by his own thematic weaknesses and knows them intimately. At such moments, a person is very vulnerable, and his state of mind is in complete disarray. It is at such moments that a spiritual shield in the form of "Psalm 90" is needed, which will instantly protect a person from negative temptations.

It is better to know the sacred text of Psalm 90 by heart
It is better to know the sacred text of Psalm 90 by heart

The essence of this "Song of David" is aimed at feeling a powerful connection with the Lord, who gives protection and His patronage. And in order for this connection to be indestructible and deserved, a spiritual feat is necessary, which requires a significant amount of time. So it turns out that forty readings of the psalm in this case very optimally take into account these requirements. We should not forget the sacredness of the number "40", which is mentioned in many places in the Bible.

How to take psalm 90

The main recommendations from the clergy and the older generation of churchgoers regarding the perception of Psalm 90 are reduced to realizing after a thoughtful reading of its life-affirming principle and kindness. The practice of reading this "Song of David" comes down to debunking fears and fears of any modern events and trends that disappear like smoke after the phrase: "The Lord is my hope."

Spiritual Shield of the Believer
Spiritual Shield of the Believer

Despite the arguments of opponents from an atheistic environment, which boil down to the vulnerability of human nature to habits and other natural weaknesses, any practitioner of reading Psalm 90 can easily reject such claims. Indeed, it turns out that with the help of the Lord, a person is able to overcome any sinful attraction. And this result can be achieved solely because of the spiritual shield, which this psalm can act with valor.

Clergy Advice

As they say from the ages that man does not live by bread alone. This expression contains the principle of the need for spiritual achievement, which consists, first of all, in the reading of prayers. For the correct interpretation of the commandments of the Lord, constant spiritual search and work is required, which consist in constant comprehension and study of the providence of God. And the reference behavior for a person can be considered the behavior of Jesus Christ described in the Holy Scriptures.

For a sinless life, a person will need to study a large number of religious texts, however, one can overcome the root cause of sin in the form of temptations and sinful desires by reading Psalm 90, which is better to know by heart as a spiritual shield against the attacks of the devil. This is very lucidly explained by Theophan the Recluse, arguing that only with such an approach to the problem can a person constantly reveal more and more facets of thoughts and feelings inherent in the text.
