The quality of training specialists in public administration is determined by the general level of the educational system. In the process of training, the future specialist receives a methodology for finding information and processing it. A beautiful house and a primitive garage box can be built from bricks of a standard size. The situation is the same with the training of economists and managers. Tatyana Alekseevna Golikova holds key positions in the country's government. How does it differ from other top managers?

Soviet childhood
Some time ago, there was a popular slogan in the country - the young people are dear everywhere. And these words had a very specific content. The young man had a real opportunity to rise to the rank of general or general designer, become a surgeon or a bulldozer driver, work as an accountant or an electric locomotive driver. Tatyana Alekseevna Golikova was born on February 9, 1966 in a working class family. Parents lived in a town near Moscow. My father worked in a factory, and my mother worked in trade.
The biography of Tatyana Golikova developed according to the standard scheme. The child grew up and was brought up in a calm but strict environment. They did not shout at the girl, did not beat her with a belt, and did not limit the time for walking. Tatiana helped her grandmother to "cope" with the garden, clean the house, take care of pets. She saw how people live in the neighborhood, what they value and what goals they strive for. Tanya went to school willingly. She liked all the subjects. She studied well and received a silver medal along with the certificate of maturity.
On the advice of her parents, Tatiana entered the capital's Institute of National Economy. A specialist with a higher education was given the opportunity to pursue a career in the manufacturing sector or take up science. Graduated economist Golikova came to the Research Institute of the State Committee for Labor as a junior researcher. It was within the walls of this institution that she developed a love for accurate calculations and accuracy in paperwork. After all, specific people are hidden behind each value in the reporting document.
In the status of a minister
Observing the realities of current life, discerning people notice very amusing processes. Some experts go out of their way to take the coveted position. Others get this chair without much effort. Tatiana Golikova from the first days of her career has established herself as an executive and responsible employee. She could “sit” over the next report from morning until late at night. It is important to note that she memorized almost all control and intermediate indicators as a computer.
Already in the early 90s, Golikova was invited to the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR. The following year, the infamous August putsch took place. But specialists of such a level as Tatyana Alekseevna are needed by the country under any political system. Over time, Golikova began to engage in a narrower area of activity. She was appointed head of the Department for the Development of the Federal Budget. After several shifts in the structure of the government, Golikova took over as head of the Accounts Chamber.
In 2018, she was appointed Deputy Prime Minister for Social Policy. The personal life of Tatyana Golikova was not very smooth. She broke up with her first husband after five years of marriage. Today she is married to Viktor Khristenko, who holds a high position in the structure of the government. Husband and wife have been living together for over fifteen years.