How Is A Child's Baptism Going?

How Is A Child's Baptism Going?
How Is A Child's Baptism Going?

The baptism of a child is a significant event both for himself and for his parents. But in order for the sacrament of baptism to pass calmly and without any misunderstandings, preparation will be required. Previously, according to church rules, parents were not allowed to attend the sacrament of their child's baptism. Now these rules are practically not adhered to.


The baptism of a child is a significant event both for himself and for his parents. This Orthodox rite symbolizes the adoption of a child into the Kingdom of God and his church birth. A child is born a sinner, and the sacrament of baptism is necessary in order to remove sins from him and entrust him to a guardian angel who will protect and protect him all his life.

Preparation for the sacrament of baptism

Here are some tips to help parents and godparents prepare for this important church ceremony.

1. If parents do not have a familiar church that they constantly attend, then preparation for baptism begins with its choice. Your best bet is to choose a church based on your feelings - perhaps you should defend a service in several churches.

2. Conversation with the priest. Negotiating with the priest conducting the ceremony will help you to feel his attitude towards the ceremony itself and towards the children. Check with the priest how the ceremony will take place - with a full dipping or only with the washing of the child's head. Will be baptized collectively or individually.

3. Decide at what age you will baptize your child. Usually children are baptized after 40 days after birth, but there are exceptions.

The best age for baptism is between three months and six months. It is believed that it is at this age that children endure the rite best of all.

4. Choose your godparents responsibly. Remember that they are responsible for your child before God and must raise their godson in Orthodoxy.

Baptism rite

The ceremony is held in the church itself, or the baptismal room - a separate room in which a bowl of consecrated water is located - a baptismal font. Baptism lasts an hour or an hour and a half, depending on the number of children.

After the father gives a sign, the future godparents bring the child wrapped in a white diaper (kryzhma) into the church. The priest explains where to stand, asks questions of interest to him. One of the godparents holds the baby, the second holds a candle in his left hand, and crosses himself with his right.

It is advisable that during baptism the girl is held by the godfather, and the boy by the godmother.

Baptism begins with the reading of the baptismal vows by the recipients. Since the baby is still small and cannot answer the questions of the priest, all the questions are answered for him and the godparents renounce Satan. After reading the prayers, the priest smears with oil the parts of the baby's body - the forehead, mouth, eyes, ears, nose, chest, arms and legs. Then he puts his hands on the child, symbolizing the Lord's protection. The godparents stand next to the font and say the Symbol of Faith prayer, promising to renounce the devil and fulfill the commandments of God.

The priest blesses the water, washes the child's head three times, or plunges him into the baptismal font. At this time, the cruciform anointing with chrism, or chrismation, is also performed. The washing of the baby is considered the second birth. Now he is under the protection of his Guardian Angel, and the responsibility for him rests with the godparents.

The father puts a cross on the baby, the godparents dress him in a baptismal shirt, and the girl also puts on a cap or kerchief. As a sign of obedience to God, Father cuts off the strands of the baby's hair crosswise.

The godparents with their godson or goddaughter walk around the baptismal font three times. This symbolizes the emergence of a new member of the Church. The girls are brought to the gates of God and put to the icon of the Mother of God, and the boys are carried into the altar. At the same time, only the father and the child enter there. Churching can be accompanied by the first communion.

The mother of the child prays for her infant and makes three bows. The baptismal rite is completed, a baptism is recorded in the church books, and a baptismal certificate is issued to parents or godparents.