Ryabov Viktor Vasilievich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Ryabov Viktor Vasilievich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Ryabov Viktor Vasilievich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

As a child, Viktor Ryabov was fond of exact sciences. And at first he did not dream of a career as a historian. Having become a little older, he realized that his vocation was social sciences. Having received a good education, Viktor Vasilyevich achieved serious success in this field. He was engaged in a historian and party work. Now Professor V. Ryabov is the head of one of the domestic educational institutions of pedagogical orientation.

Victor Vasilievich Ryabov
Victor Vasilievich Ryabov

From the biography of V. Ryabov

The future scientist-historian was born in the village of Usinskoye, in the Kuibyshev region, on July 22, 1937, Father Vitya saw for the very last time at the beginning of the war with the Germans. Already in 1942, a funeral came to the family. The mother had to raise her three sons alone. The older brothers worked part-time in the field, and Vitya was in charge of the household, looked after a small vegetable garden.

For the first time, Victor went to school at the age of eight. Only there he somehow didn’t like it. And Victor simply left school. Conscious learning began a year later. The objects were given to the boy easily. Vitya grasped new material on the fly, re-read many books. He showed particular interest in physics and mathematical disciplines. In those distant days, no one could have guessed that the young man would soon become a student of history.

Viktor Vasilyevich received his education at the State University of Saratov. Then he completed his postgraduate studies at Moscow University. Since 1962 Ryabov has been a member of the Communist Party.

In 1973, V. Ryabov became the head of the Kuibyshev Pedagogical Institute. After 4 years, he was entrusted with the leadership of the state university in Kuibyshev.

From the middle of the perestroika 80s, Viktor Vasilyevich was in responsible posts in the Kuibyshev regional party committee, from where he was sent to the central party apparatus. In the Central Committee of the party, Ryabov was responsible for science, the work of educational institutions and questions of ideology. Before the collapse of the one-party system, Ryabov managed to be a member of the Central Committee of the party.

Career in modern times

Since 1995, V. Ryabov is the head of the capital city pedagogical university. He was directly involved in the founding of this university. Ryabov is now its president. The university is considered one of the most significant and prestigious in the system of pedagogical education in the Russian Federation.

Viktor Vasilyevich did a lot to improve the education system of modern Russia. He is one of the authors of the federal education development program.

At the beginning of the new century, Ryabov took part in the compilation of the six-volume History of Psychology, for which he received a prestigious prize. The scientist has two and a half hundred significant scientific publications on his credit, which deal with the issues of history, political science, science in general, and modern education.

V. Ryabov is the head of several very large research projects in the field of historical sciences.

The historian enjoys a well-deserved authority in the scientific community. He is a member of the presidium of heads of the capital's universities and the Union of Rectors of the country. Ryabov was repeatedly recruited to work as an expert at the Audit Chamber of the capital, which is a confirmation of Viktor Vasilyevich's authority and an indicator of the authorities' trust in him.

Viktor Vasilyevich's family is small, but friendly: his wife Maria, daughter Ira, granddaughter Masha.