To Be King In The Middle Ages Or The Middle Class In Our Time?

To Be King In The Middle Ages Or The Middle Class In Our Time?
To Be King In The Middle Ages Or The Middle Class In Our Time?

Many in childhood dreamed of becoming a princess or king in the Middle Ages, but maybe it's better to be middle class in our time? Indeed, in the past, even the richest and most powerful people in the world did not have what each of us has now.

Being a king or queen sounds good, but it is worth remembering that in those days people had not yet come up with those things that made our life the way it is.

In the past, kings did not have the opportunity to receive quality treatment, then antibiotics did not exist, that is, even a cold could be fatal.


If the king wanted to get to another city or country, he had to sit in an uncomfortable unheated carriage. The speed was extremely low.

In those days, there was no telephone connection, therefore, if our heir to the throne wanted to contact his beloved, he had to write a letter. And about how long it was necessary to wait for an answer, it is not worth talking about.


Also, princes, and even more so princesses, did not have the right to choose their wives. Since at that time it was part of politics and big business.

In the Middle Ages, even kings did not have the kind of food that is currently available to the middle class. Now people have warm showers, central heating, some kind of medical care, the Internet, cars and much that was inaccessible even to the most powerful rulers of antiquity.

Therefore, we can conclude that the quality of life of the middle class now exceeds the standard of living of the king of the Middle Ages.
