The modern world with its globalization and integration presupposes many ways to find friends with the same interests, not only in one's own country, but also abroad. Arm yourself with all available means, and your social circle will be replenished with new acquaintances.

Step 1
Register on social networks and use their services. If you are fundamentally communicating with people who live abroad and speak foreign languages, give preference to the worldwide networks (Facebook, Myspace) or national services that are popular in the country you are interested in. Go through the registration and "knock on friends" to those who you like. To find as many penpals as possible, write an appropriate cover letter: "Hi, I live in Russia, I do this, I am fond of that, I would be very interested to talk to you."
Step 2
Use services for communication: icq, scype. Create your account and look for friends with similar interests. However, be prepared for the fact that foreigners respect privacy (personal space), so they will prefer e-mail for communication, because you can answer a letter when it is convenient, and instant messaging services involve correspondence in real time. To make it interesting to communicate with you, do not be faceless: introduce yourself so that it is clear that this is a real interlocutor, and not an Internet bot.
Step 3
Visit thematic forums. If you are looking for friends to chat about a specific topic, such as household and parenting, sign up for the appropriate online community. There are special platforms directly for the exchange of language skills: for finding penpals around the world, for communicating with native speakers and others. Keep in mind that visitors to such sites are interested not only in teaching you, but also in gaining knowledge of your native language, so show yourself as a literate person.