The Role Of Sociology In Modern Economics

The Role Of Sociology In Modern Economics
The Role Of Sociology In Modern Economics

If economics as a science originated and developed along with relations of production since the 19th century, sociology in this capacity was recognized only in the 20th century. But soon after that, the inextricable connection between sociological and economic phenomena, their influence and dependence on each other became clear. Currently, these interrelationships are being studied by a new science - economic sociology.

The role of sociology in modern economics
The role of sociology in modern economics

Sociology as a science

The object of sociological research is society, a single organism, consisting of many social groups. She studies these social groups, the processes taking place in them, the interaction of social and personal structures and factors in specific conditions of place and time. Knowledge of the basics of sociology is necessary for management, allowing the authorities to act consciously, scientifically substantiating their activities and predicting their possible consequences. In accordance with the requirements of the time, the subject of the study of sociology gradually became broader problems related to how external factors, including political and economic, influence society.

But sociology and the results of its research, as for any science, are of real value only when they are not distorted under the influence of any considerations, political, ethical, etc., no matter how good they may be. Only in this case it will be possible to obtain objective and impartial results that can be used in areas related to sociology, the same economy.

Sociology and its role in economics

Today, the importance of sociology in economics is more than ever high, which is why a natural fusion of these two sciences occurred, the result of which was the emergence of a new discipline - economic sociology. Now economic processes are studied and predicted taking into account social aspects, and social ones are considered as a result of economic development in conditions of market relations. Ultimately, such an integrated approach makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the economic activity of the region and the country as a whole, the effectiveness of management decisions taken and improve the conditions and quality of life of the population.

The study of the influence of social relations in the labor and production spheres, in the sphere of the institution of property, distribution, exchange and consumption, as well as the study of the social consequences of the development of these relations allows us to identify the general macroeconomic laws of the functioning of the economy. These patterns are used today for economic modeling and forecasting around the world.

Sociology is used to study not only global economic phenomena. With its help, the types of economic behavior and interaction of different social groups of society - participants in relations in various spheres of the economy are modeled. Knowledge of sociology is necessary to predict economic behavior depending on the role function performed by a particular social group: depositors, taxpayers, insurers, consumers, investors, etc.
