The first mention of the panda is found in an ancient Chinese work on geography, written 2,700 years ago. Now this animal has become very rare and is protected by the Chinese government as a great national treasure.

The panda is one of the rarest and most beautiful animals on the planet. For this reason, it is included in the Guinness Book (of Records). Pandas are also loved for their peaceful nature. Big bears eat bamboo, they don't eat living creatures at all. For large animals in the wild, this is very rare.
In China, the panda is one of the national symbols and everyone's favorite. This happened due to the fact that the panda lives only in China. Animals are leased to foreign zoos. This brings tangible profits to the Celestial Empire and allows you to preserve the panda as a species.
Renting a beautiful bear costs foreign zoologists almost $ 1 million a year. The animal almost does not breed in captivity, and all cubs born in zoos also belong to the PRC.
The panda has only 1-2 cubs, which it bears for 140 days. Females are wonderful mothers, they do not let the newborn baby go away from themselves. Because of its beautiful appearance and the small number of the species, the panda is called "great value" in China.
In the wild, bamboo bears live for about 20 years. In zoos, under human supervision, a panda can live up to 25-30 years. An adult weighs from 70 to 150 kilograms. In length it reaches 180 cm, male pandas are larger than females.
All four bear paws are equipped with long, sharp claws. They help pandas to dig up bamboo roots and protect themselves from predators in the wild. The enemies of animals in the wild are leopards and red wolves.
Most of the panda's fur is white, while the legs, ear tips, rings around the eyes and the stripe on the back are black. Zoologists attribute the panda to the raccoon family, but Chinese peasants have long called the animals bamboo bears.
The panda is so taken care of by the Chinese that for killing her they can take a person's life. Unfortunately, beautiful animals are gradually dying out. Their number in the wild is now no more than 1000 adults.
The extinction of the panda is due to its nutrition. If the number of bamboo in the habitats of animals decreases, the number of pandas will also decrease. At the same time, animals only eat certain varieties of bamboo, which makes their life and reproduction even more difficult.
In order to protect the panda from extinction, 12 reserves have been created in the PRC. Chinese scientists help pandas during periods of lack of natural food, and also place some individuals in zoos, where animals are easier to care for.
The Chinese panda is the property of not only the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom. Visiting pandas in zoos always brings a lot of joy, and a beautiful and charming animal is loved and wanted to be preserved all over the world.