What Is Paternalism

What Is Paternalism
What Is Paternalism

Paternalism is a word that is not included in everyday speech turnover, not every person will be able to give it the correct definition. But in fact, the concept that it defines is used by people on a daily basis, describing relations between generations or family hierarchy.

What is paternalism
What is paternalism

The term "paternalism" comes from the Latin language, where the root pater means "father." This concept defines the relationship between father and son, between the older and younger generations, between the state and the people.

Patriarchal world order

In a broad sense, paternalism is the relationship between state power and the activities of a firm at the level of social and labor relations. Also, paternalism can be viewed from the point of view of political and economic relations of several states.

From the point of view of the policy of paternalism, the people are a child, and the state power is a father, who needs to control the actions of his people, show what is good and what is bad and help them in solving problems.

From a financial point of view, paternalism is also present in the economy of a particular country. If we take, for example, Japan, where traditions that have developed over more than one century were honored, you can see a clear division in all layers and industries into the head and subordinates who unquestioningly follow the decrees and parting words of their leader. All of them are like one big family, where the boss is considered the father, and the subordinates are the children.

In the modern world, paternalism persists in Spain, Italy and Japan. In many countries, paternalism is used in the policies of large firms that are directed against the union.

Family paternalism

From the point of view of sociology and psychology, paternalism is inherent in fathers who feel their advantage over the child, that is, they try to educate him using an authoritarian type of relationship. However, a responsible father also feels the need to protect and patronize the child, protecting him from dangers and difficulties. Such men will do everything possible to keep their child healthy and happy, but they will not satisfy every whim of the child and follow his lead. Discipline and obedience are the foundation of their upbringing.

The relationship between fathers and children, the state and the people, the leader and the subordinate has always been and will be one of the living problems studied by psychologists, sociologists, and political scientists. Each life situation, action, subject of relationships, as well as reactions and interdependent connections have their own name. Some terms give only one specific definition, others, on the contrary, include many, as is the case with the concept of "paternalism".