What Is The Ark Of The Covenant

What Is The Ark Of The Covenant
What Is The Ark Of The Covenant

The sacred biblical story tells about many sacred objects that were especially valued among the Jewish people. One of these shrines was the Ark of the Covenant.

What is the Ark of the Covenant
What is the Ark of the Covenant

The Ark of the Covenant is considered one of the greatest shrines of the Israelite people. According to the Bible, the ark contained two tablets with the commandments given by God to the prophet Moses, the manna that God fed the Jewish people during the wanderings of the latter in the wilderness, the rod of Aaron, as well as the scroll of Torra (Jewish law).

The Ark of the Covenant was made during the time of the prophet Moses. Subsequently, it was kept in the Old Testament Tabernacle and in the Jerusalem Temple. After the first attacks of the Gentiles on the Jerusalem Temple, the Ark was irretrievably lost by the Jews. The legend has survived that the prophet Jeremiah (during the attack on the Jerusalem Temple of the Chaldeans) hid the Ark of the Covenant in one of the caves.

The ark itself was made of wood (presumably acacia). According to the Holy Scriptures, he was bound in gold. On the lid of the ark were golden cherubs. The dimensions of this Jewish shrine were approximately 70 cm in width and height and 120 cm in length. The ark was carried by the servants of the Old Testament Tabernacle on two poles. There is a version that several golden caskets were put into the ark itself. It turned out that the Ark of the Covenant was bound inside and outside with gold, as the Lord commanded to do to Moses.

In the Holy Scriptures, miraculous power was attributed to the ark. So, when the Jews decided to conquer the city of Jericho, the ark was enclosed around the city walls seven times. After that, the Jews sounded their trumpets and the walls of the city collapsed.

The Ark of the Covenant symbolized the old covenant of God with people. The shrine bore witness to the invisible presence of the Lord among the Israeli people.

The Bible contains other names for the Ark of the Covenant. For example, the Ark of the Covenant of God, the Ark of the God of Israel, the Ark of the Most High, the Ark of Power.