Beauty Among The Peoples Of The Ancient World

Beauty Among The Peoples Of The Ancient World
Beauty Among The Peoples Of The Ancient World

All peoples have their own concept of beauty. This is primarily due to belonging to a particular race, culture, territory, era of human life. What are the differences between modern beauty and the concepts of beauty of ancient peoples?

Beauty among the peoples of the ancient world
Beauty among the peoples of the ancient world

In Egypt, slender girls with almond-shaped, large, catlike eyes were considered the standard of beauty and attractiveness. To give the eyes this shape, the Egyptians outlined the eyes with black or green paint. To give the eyes expressiveness and brightness, the sap of a plant - belladonna - was dripped into them. The color green was very popular in ancient Egypt, it was used to paint the feet and nails on the hands, and green eyes were considered the most attractive. It was from Ancient Egypt that the fashion to paint eyes went.

In ancient China, the ideal was a fragile, short woman with a small foot. In order for the girl to be attractive, the child's feet were tightly bandaged in childhood, as a result of which they stopped growing. It was believed that a woman with black teeth looks more attractive, which is why Japanese women painted their teeth with black paint.

The standard of beauty in ancient Greece was the figure of Aphrodite. Aphrodite's parameters: chest volume - 89 cm, waist - 68 cm, hips - 93 cm. There was a cult of a trained body. Big eyes and a straight nose were considered beautiful.

In ancient Rome, there was a fashion for light, curly hair, pale skin. It was there that the hair began to bleach for the first time.

In ancient India, women wore nose rings, thereby showing that a woman has a husband, a master.

Some standards of beauty amaze the modern human psyche. For example, the inhabitants of the African tribe Mursi deliberately extended their lower lip, pulling out the lower teeth, they inserted a plate into the lip hole, gradually increasing its size. It is also customary to file teeth to make them sharp.

In the tribes of Africa, tattoos are most common. Symbolic signs were located throughout the body. They recognized which tribe a person belongs to. The standard of beauty in Africa was also a long neck, up to thirty centimeters. From an early age, girls were put on rings around their necks and gradually, as they grew older, rings were added, stretching the neck more and more. Even if the girl suffocated, only an elder in the male line could remove them according to custom. The rings were removed only on the wedding night.
