Despite the fact that with the help of modern services you can download any novelties from the world of cinema from the Internet, the halls of cinemas are never empty. Millions of moviegoers follow the premieres and do not miss the chance to attend. You can find out information about upcoming rentals within a few minutes.

Cinema posters on the Internet
Of course, the Internet is the easiest way to keep track of the latest in cinematography. There are several types of resources that provide this information. The best option is to visit the site of a particular cinema. To do this, in the search box, you type its name, follow the link and study the poster. Some cinemas give detailed descriptions for films and publish trailers, shots, and posts for films.
You can also use a broader search, if you choose not a specific cinema, but all available in your city. In this case, the request must be formulated in a generalized way. For example, "a poster of the city's cinemas." The repertoire can vary greatly. Some cinemas give more preference to novelties, while others show mainly those films that are especially popular with viewers. Optionally, you can filter your search settings by selecting a specific movie genre.
There are also services that provide general advertising information. In addition to cinema posters, you can find driving routes, addresses and phone numbers of organizations on them, as well as view or leave reviews.
Some sites offer visitors to book tickets in advance by filling out special requests. Such services have their advantages and some disadvantages. You can buy tickets without leaving your home. However, the reliability of such sources cannot always be trusted.
Printed editions
You can find out about showing interesting films on the pages of newspapers or magazines. For this, a special column is created in print media, which informs readers about the events that will take place in city cinemas in the near future. Most often, for example, film distribution novelties are indicated in small newspapers with TV programs, advertising print sources, or individual posts can be seen on the pages of glossy magazines.
Not the fastest, but effective way to find out what's interesting about the cinema is to visit the cinema itself. Here you can take a generalized repertoire for the current or next month, find out the rental details, ticket prices and show times.
On the Internet, you can find the phone numbers of box office cinemas and answering machines, which can also become sources of this information. You can consult with employees and clarify the nuances. In addition, by phone, you can book tickets for a specific time and choose the most comfortable seats from the list of available ones.