What Is Feng Shui

What Is Feng Shui
What Is Feng Shui

Literally translated from Chinese, "feng shui" means "wind and water." More generally, it is a practice based on ancient Chinese teachings that include elements of religion and philosophy. With this practice, you can choose the best place to build a house or burial place, place trees and bushes in the garden, arrange household items in the room, etc.

What is Feng Shui
What is Feng Shui

Feng Shui is based on the idea of the flow of qi energy, which, like the wind, permeates all space, including both animate and inanimate objects. Moreover, these flows are both favorable for humans and other living beings (harmonious) and unfavorable (inharmonious). It is impossible to protect oneself from the penetration of an inharmonious stream by any obstacle, but one may simply not be in its path. For example, place a desk or bed in another place so that they fall into the zone of action of the flow of harmonious qi energy.

In many Western countries, a real boom in feng shui has recently begun. This happened after the ethnic Chinese Thomas Lin Yu, a US citizen, created the so-called "symbolic feng shui". According to him, any living space is divided into zones that are most favorable for any particular type of activity. For example, for work, leisure, sex, communication with children, business transactions, etc.

Lin Yu claimed that by entering a zone, or even simply placing some amulet or talisman in it, a person activates it. These statements became extremely popular, the owners of many companies and private houses began to use the services of the specialists of this school in order to correctly arrange furniture, seat employees, etc. Of course, such services had to be paid for, and symbolic feng shui turned out to be a very profitable business.

However, the ancient, classical feng shui has nothing to do with such a simplified material approach. He never used and does not use concepts such as "zone of love", "zone of wealth", etc. Moreover, he does not recognize amulets and talismans. A specialist in classical feng shui will definitely explain to the customer that there are no two completely identical houses and cannot exist. Therefore, the energy of each specific dwelling must be calculated strictly individually. After all, every point on the surface of the Earth has completely unique properties. The main condition is not to create places of stagnation of qi energy, so as not to attract inharmonious flows. Therefore, it is recommended not to arrange long aisles in residential buildings, not to leave naked corners not cluttered with furniture, and also to select beautiful, harmonious furniture.