Alexander Karamzin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

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Alexander Karamzin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Alexander Karamzin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Video: Alexander Karamzin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Video: Alexander Karamzin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
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Karamzin Alexander Nikolaevich was a progressive person. Even before the abolition of serfdom, he freed the peasants of the estate, with his own money he built a rural hospital, an almshouse for the elderly, an orphanage, and a school.

Karamzin Alexander Nikolaevich
Karamzin Alexander Nikolaevich

Alexander Nikolaevich is the son of the famous historian and prominent writer N. M. Karamzin. Nikolai Mikhailovich enriched the Russian language with several words translated from foreign languages. The wife of Nikolai Mikhailovich and the mother of Alexander Nikolaevich - Ekaterina Andreevna.


Alexander Nikolaevich Karamzin was born in Moscow in a new style in January 1816. As was customary in wealthy families, at first the boy studied at home. Then he entered the Dorpat Imperial University, graduated in 1833.

In the same year, Alexander became a lieutenant in the horse artillery. He is serving in the Guards Regiment.


Among the friends of Alexander Karamzin, one can single out the famous playwright Vladimir Sollogub, the great Russian writer Alexander Pushkin.


The boy showed a literary gift from childhood. So, when Alexander was eight years old, he wrote his first fairy tale. The Russian poet Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky published this creation of a child, having previously edited the tale in accordance with the spelling rules.

Then Alexander Nikolaevich composed already adult poems, they were published in the journals Otechestvennye zapiski and Sovremennik.


Alexander Karamzin even has a poetic story, it is called "Boris Ulin". This creation was published in St. Petersburg in 1839.

From the memoirs of contemporaries

Preserved unique testimonies of people who lived in the era of Nikolai Karamzin. So, the leader of the nobility, Prince Meshchersky Alexander Vasilyevich, recalls that A. N. Karamzin was a very handsome blond youth with beautiful blue eyes and blond hair, that he was distinguished by kindness, for which Alexander Nikolaevich, according to Meshchersky, paid more than once.

Other contemporaries remember Karamzin at an early age. They say he was stout, above average height. Blond hair, blue eyes, a beard, a thin straight nose - all this gave Karamzin an even more noble look, and spirituality was imprinted on his face. But by nature, Alexander Nikolaevich was sometimes unrestrained and ardent.

Others remembered Karamzin as a cheerful, affectionate person who often joked. When, after retiring, he arrived at his estate, the locals immediately fell in love with him, but Karamzin's wife, according to them, inspired uncertainty and fear.

Personal life


When Alexander Nikolaevich was 34 years old, he started a family. His wife was Natalya Vasilievna Obolenskaya, a princess. Her father, Major General Obolensky V. P., gave a good dowry for his daughter, for which Nikolai Alexandrovich was able to build a plant. A working village was also created, which, like the built plant, Karamzin named in honor of his beloved wife - Tashin. Her name Natasha could be interpreted as Tasha. Apparently that is how a loving husband called his wife.


The family left no heirs. Alexander Nikolaevich passed away at the age of 72, and after this sad event his wife lived for three more years. She was buried next to her husband in the family crypt at the hospital, which was built by Alexander Nikolayevich Karamzin.
