What Is The Gospel

What Is The Gospel
What Is The Gospel

Gospel - the Greek word "evangelion", translated means "joyful, or good news." Originally, this word meant the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ, his atoning death on the cross for all sinners.

What is the gospel
What is the gospel

Some time after its appearance, the concept of the Gospel began to mean the story of the earthly life of Jesus Christ, recorded in the Bible. All four Gospels are canonical books of the New Testament included in the Bible. They describe the miraculous birth of the baby Jesus, the life, ministry, works, sufferings of Christ and his resurrection. The gospels are the most important source of knowledge about Jesus for people. They contain his speeches, sermons, parables, instructive stories. Each of the four Gospels has its own author. In the New Testament, these books are arranged in the following order - the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Among the authors of the Gospels, Matthew and John were disciples and apostles of Jesus Christ. Mark - was a collaborator of Peter, who is also numbered among the apostles, and Luke - collaborated with Paul, who received the apostleship much later than others. Despite the fact that the content of all four Gospels describes the same events in the life and ministry of Christ, they differ in presentation, style, and the audience for which these books were intended. Each author describes in a special way certain moments from the life of Jesus. And each in his own way describes Christ. The Gospel of Matthew speaks of Christ as the Messiah, the son of Abraham and David, in whom all the prophecies and promises were fulfilled. The Gospel of Mark shows Jesus as a Servant who came to earth despite the fact that He was the Son of God. Luke in his narrative addresses all mankind, and therefore Jesus is presented as the Son of Man, who came down from heaven for all people. John does not describe the biographical data about Christ, but testifies about Him as the eternal Son of Heavenly Father, who is the Bread, Light, Truth and Life for the whole world. The first three Gospels - Matthew, Mark and Luke for the most part describe similar events from life Jesus. In the Gospel of John, the presentation, style and content differ markedly from the other three books. But all four Gospels are a short story about the coming to earth of the Savior Jesus Christ and His mission here on earth. All the Gospels tell the story of Jesus' death on the cross, as well as His resurrection. The concluding chapters of all four Gospels narrate that the resurrected Jesus commissioned his disciples to go and carry the saving good news among all the nations of the earth. Each person, through the good news and gaining faith in Jesus, has salvation for eternal life. The Book of Acts, following the four Gospels, describes the ministry and activities of the disciples, the apostles of Jesus Christ.