What Are The Political Conflicts In Society

What Are The Political Conflicts In Society
What Are The Political Conflicts In Society

Politics has a certain impact on the masses of people and often leads to conflicts in society. Political conflicts can have different outcomes, but they are always thought out and have an ultimate goal.

What are the political conflicts in society
What are the political conflicts in society


Political conflict is a type (and result) of the competitive interaction of two or more parties, individuals, groups, states that challenge each other's powers or resources. Each of the parties to the conflict, as a rule, pursues not one, but a whole set of goals. Conflict is an objective-subjective phenomenon, which is typical for relations in society. General harmony, by definition, does not exist and cannot be.

Political conflict implies a tough confrontation, at the forefront of which are people. The manifestations of a politically motivated conflict in society are strikes, rallies, and resistance to opinions and views in the media. Economic and social inequalities become the cause of political conflicts. Acting on the minds of the masses, politicians achieve their goals. Usually, no one pays attention to the number of victims if it is unprofitable for the seizure of power.

In its development, any conflict goes through several stages: exacerbation of contradictions, crisis, increased tension, conflict.

Subtypes of vertical conflicts

There are several types of political conflicts. Status-role conflicts occur due to social or economic inequality. More often than not, the results appear rather quickly, but there are no actual results. Because of these tendencies, serious strikes and conflicts are played out. The result is achieved at the cost of human sacrifice or the waste of a large amount of material resources. As a result, various political freedoms and sovereignties become available, but only for the first time. Over time, the infringement of human rights begins again. Complete resolution of the conflict in society is possible only if its root cause is eliminated.

Regime conflicts, as a rule, affect society, but practically do not bring any changes for it. The change of power takes place quite quickly, the government is most often in conflict, the people act as support for one or another party.

Conflicts of interests, needs, values have the same features. Part of the society under the patronage of opposition parties claims that their rights are being violated. After prolonged strikes, the government usually makes concessions. Such actions of the common people can lead to the overthrow of the government.

The types of political conflicts in society are not clearly isolated, that is, they do not have one direction - they are mixed with each other and can include regime change and conflict of interests. In most cases, conflicts involving the public allow the opposition to seize power in any area of activity.