Pension Reform Of In Russia: Latest News

Pension Reform Of In Russia: Latest News
Pension Reform Of In Russia: Latest News

The leading task of any changes made to the law on pensions of the country is the introduction of measures aimed at creating conditions for the formation of sustainable pension provision. Simply put, the formation of a portfolio of those assets (money) that will form the basis of payments to individuals for their period of survival (that is, the time they will actually spend in retirement).

Pension reform of 2014 in Russia: latest news
Pension reform of 2014 in Russia: latest news

The World Health Organization records an increase in human life expectancy by an average of 7 years compared to 20 years ago. That is why many states have had to face serious pension budget deficits. Banks all over the world began to offer a certain, supposedly capable of hedging, an accumulative system of deposits of a pension nature, and the official system itself every year began to cause a huge number of complaints, disputes and doubts about its effectiveness. Russia has not been spared such a pension crisis either.

Some countries took the simplest path: they increased the retirement age. In Russia, this option is not yet being considered.

Pension legislation novelties

Unlike previous years, according to the new official law on pensions, a certain obligatory part of individual monetary contributions will be determined, which is of a cumulative nature: all citizens of the country will be able to choose the private funds they like, which, in fact, will in the future dispose of the people's savings entrusted to them.

It should be noted that the adoption of the law on the elimination of the existing "double" system of accruals was extremely important. After all, earlier pensions were calculated for ordinary citizens and high-ranking officials according to completely different formulas. Now both officials and ordinary residents of the country keep records of future pensions according to absolutely the same scheme, depending only on their own personal experience and salaries earned in the official regime. The size of the pension funds themselves after multiple changes will directly depend on the aggregate of several components: the declared income, the amount of savings and the type of pre-selected fund.

It is becoming very clear that now it will be much more profitable for each worker to declare his real “white” salary in the tax and pension office, and not the one that is listed in the conditional statement given by the boss. By hiding any of his income, a person deliberately and ahead of time reduces his future pension, so the “black” salary, which is handed out and is not reflected in any documentary way, will become the main problem for the formation of a normal level of pension savings.

Parts of pensions

There was a division of the pension into two fundamentally different components. The state of the country assumes the role of the manager of a certain insurance cluster, but non-governmental official organizations will be fully engaged in the funded portions of the pension.

The emergence of the coefficient, known as “pension”, will also allow giving a decent future to all pensioners. It is planned to add the notorious coefficient from the experience for a whole life, salary and the age at which a person retired to a well-deserved retirement. In addition, women will receive some benefits that will be calculated based on the period of maternity leave, that is, perhaps these years will even be taken into account within the framework of work experience

By 2016, it is planned to multiply the pension and the formation of allowances for all workers at agricultural enterprises.

It is not surprising that with such a rapidly changing pension legislation, pensioners are waiting for news about pension reform, how to get it from the front. However, the Pension Fund conducts the most active educational work, and not only among pensioners, but also among employers who deduct pension contributions for their employees.
