What Church Holidays You Can Not Work

What Church Holidays You Can Not Work
What Church Holidays You Can Not Work

According to the fourth commandment, one should work six days, but devote the seventh, Saturday, serving God and godly deeds, leaving other concerns on this day. Nowadays, the Old Testament Saturday has been replaced by New Testament Sunday, and even these days one has to deal with a variety of things, but church holidays are still honored as holy days and are assigned to spiritual life.

What church holidays you can not work
What church holidays you can not work

Fourth commandment

The call not to work on church holidays goes back to the wording of the fourth commandment, which reads "… do six days, and do all your deeds in them, but the seventh day is Saturday, to the Lord your God." On the seventh day, it was supposed to be engaged in works of mercy, to study the Word of God, to attend temples - to live a spiritual life, to take care of one's soul. Church holidays dedicated to saints and events from the Bible fall into the same category.

The most revered of all the holidays in which one should refrain from work is Easter, the Resurrection of Christ. It falls every year on a new date. But there are fixed days for most other holidays.

Main church holidays

January 7 - Nativity of Christ

January 19 - Baptism of the Lord (Epiphany)

February 15 - Presentation of the Lord

April 7 - Annunciation (the day on which the Most Holy Virgin Mary learned the good news of the birth of the Son of God from Her)

The last Sunday before Easter - Palm Sunday, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem

Fortieth day after Easter - Ascension of the Lord

The fiftieth day after Easter - Pentecost, the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles

August 19 - Transfiguration of the Lord

August 28 - Dormition of the Mother of God

September 21 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

September 27 - Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

December 4 - Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos

Additional church holidays

They are not among the largest and most famous, but nevertheless, if you have the opportunity, it is recommended to refrain from working in them.

July 7 - Nativity of John the Baptist

July 12 - Holy Primate Apostles Peter and Paul

May 21 and October 9 - St. John the Theologian

May 22 and December 19 - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

September 11 - Cutting off the head of John the Baptist

October 14 - Protection of the Mother of God

November 4 - Feast of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God

What if you have to work?

None of the church bans on work on weekends and holidays cover necessary and obligatory matters. Cooking, when it comes to a festive table and food for the family, daily cleaning, harvesting in summer and autumn, urgent repairs in the house - these are matters that cannot be delayed, and therefore they are allowed and considered necessary. The recommendation is primarily about those cases that do not fall into the category of necessary ones or can be postponed to the next day without prejudice.