What Not To Do On Church Holidays

What Not To Do On Church Holidays
What Not To Do On Church Holidays

Church holidays mean days of rest according to the Christian tradition. From them arose the Russian word "holiday" and a special glorification of God, which is associated with the periodic recollection of certain events associated with Sacred history.

What not to do on church holidays
What not to do on church holidays

Why is it forbidden to do something on church holidays

An important feature of the liturgical celebration of all events related to sacred history is for many Christians not only their recollection in prayers, but also the mystical actualization of these incidents at the moment. This allows the believer to be closest to the saving meaning of these events.

In this regard, on the days of Orthodox holidays, it is impossible to carry out labor activities, almost everyone knows about this. At the same time, anyone who breaks this law will be punished.

What not to do during church holidays

On certain church holidays according to the Orthodox calendar, some manipulations will never lead to good, but rather the opposite.

Christmas is a family holiday that should be spent with close relatives.

In no case should you sew for the Christmas holidays, because, according to legends, someone in your family may later go blind. In addition, it is better not to go on any hikes or hunting during this time in order to avoid accidents.

On the day of January 14 - the date dedicated to St. Basil the Great, a man must be the first to enter the house. This will bring health as well as prosperity to all who live in this house.

On a church holiday on February 15 - the meeting is better not to plan any moving and travel. Moreover, on this day it is best to stay at home, to postpone all matters that are somehow connected with travel, so as they will not bring good luck. Moreover, it is on this day that most people get lost. Therefore, you need to be more careful, especially carefully monitor your own children. If you still need to get ready for the road on this day and the trip cannot be postponed, then you must definitely pray, and then you can get ready for the journey.

There are many popular signs that tell about what cannot be done on church holidays.

According to popular beliefs, during Great Lent, women should not leave their homes before Easter. This is a bad omen, because it can bring unhappiness and illness into the house.