How To Find A Person By Last Name, First Name And Patronymic For Free

How To Find A Person By Last Name, First Name And Patronymic For Free
How To Find A Person By Last Name, First Name And Patronymic For Free

People often part for a long time and lose touch with each other. Nevertheless, you can try to find a person by last name, first name and patronymic for free using the Internet, as well as in other ways.

You can find a person for free
You can find a person for free

How to find a person on the Internet

Use all possible Internet search engines to find a person by last name, first name and patronymic. If you know where the person is at the moment, add the name of the corresponding city or other settlement to the search words. It is also quite effective to supplement the phrase with the name of the person's place of work or study. If you're lucky, the search results will include links to the organization's website where the person you want is working for. Often it is possible to find ads with contact information that this person posted on the Internet.

It is quite effective to search for a person by last name, first name and patronymic through social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and others. Even if you are not registered in any of them, a link to the desired profile may appear in the results of Internet search engines. However, by registering on social networks, you will get more options. Using the internal search algorithm, specify all the data you know: first name, last name, patronymic, age, city, etc. Even if you don’t find the right person, most likely you will find his relatives or friends. You can contact them through private messages and ask about the location of the one you are looking for.

How to find a person in the city

Check out the latest editions of your local telephone directories and address books. You may be lucky and you will quickly find out where the right person lives.

Advertise looking for a person in local newspapers, magazines, and other publications. Some of them allow you to post information for free. You can also use the sites of free ads ("Avito", "From hand to hand"), where it is possible to contact the residents of a particular locality.

If a person disappeared suddenly, and you fear for his life, contact one of the police stations and write a report on the disappearance, telling the officers a detailed description of the disappeared person's appearance and details of his disappearance. You can also contact local television for this.

Gather a group of volunteers and organize searches in the places where the missing person has been most often. Find out the addresses of the person's closest relatives and friends, call them by phone or visit them in person. As a rule, carefully and promptly conducted searches yield positive results.
