Appearance, Features And Properties Of Allanite

Appearance, Features And Properties Of Allanite
Appearance, Features And Properties Of Allanite

The mineral allanite is quite rare in nature. The color of the stone ranges from light brown to black. Used by collectors prized specimen in narrow areas, but can serve as a good talisman.

Appearance, features and properties of allanite
Appearance, features and properties of allanite

Sometimes they find gradient crystals with thin layers of a milky tone. The color depends on the concentration of silicon. It often contains beryllium and magnesium. Allanite received its official name in honor of the Scottish scientist Thomas Allan who discovered it in Greenland in 1810. The mineral is also called ortite, muromontite, bagrationite.

Appearance, features

A gem with a metallic or glass luster changes color when the light changes. Strong heating causes deformation of the not too hard mineral, it becomes even more brittle.

The stone is used to obtain valuable constituents included in its composition. Since muromontitis does not conduct electricity. The samples are used as coasters for household appliances and kitchen hobs.

Only sometimes allanite is used in jewelry: due to the radioactivity of crystals, contact with the human body is undesirable.

Appearance, features and properties of allanite
Appearance, features and properties of allanite


The mineral has many interesting and useful properties. So, esotericists claim that the stone perfectly protects against negative influences and enhances intuition. A pendant with a gem is worn or hung on a mirror to protect against evil forces.


It is recommended to take the crystal with you to important negotiations, during which you will have to defend your opinion. Muromontite is not suitable for all signs of the zodiac. It is ideal for representatives of the element of water. With its help, Pisces will find purpose, reveal their potential and walk the right path through life.

Cancers will overcome troubles, and Scorpios will increase their strength and conserve energy. The rest of the representatives of the zodiacal circle will not be able to take full advantage of the magical properties of the stone, but the talisman will not bring harm to them either.

It is believed that the mineral patronizes the bearers of the names Inessa, Sophia, Karina, Agatha and Zhanna. It is useful to wear such amulets for men who were named Adam, Svyatoslav, Leo, Yaroslav and Christian. The talisman in the form of jewelry with the owner's name engraved on it has the greatest power. However, it is not recommended to wear the accessory all the time, so as not to lose touch with reality.

Appearance, features and properties of allanite
Appearance, features and properties of allanite


A gem shade deserves attention. Dark crystals have an invigorating effect. Such a talisman is suitable for hypotensive patients, as it increases blood pressure, improving performance and well-being.

It is better for hypertensive patients to choose transparent or yellow samples to get rid of fatigue and calm down.


Since the talisman is able to take away negative energy, the amulet needs to be cleaned. To do this, every month, put the stone in a salty solution overnight, and then rinse with clean water.

The sample must be protected from impacts and falling from a height. Store accessories separately from other jewelry in the dark. It is very good to put them in a casket upholstered in velvet.

Appearance, features and properties of allanite
Appearance, features and properties of allanite

The mineral should stay in the sun no longer than a few minutes daily, since ultraviolet light destroys orthite.
