What Is Jet: Appearance, Features, Properties

What Is Jet: Appearance, Features, Properties
What Is Jet: Appearance, Features, Properties

In jewelry, minerals are called stones. However, at its core, a fossil, jet or gisher, is actively used to make jewelry. The spectacular appearance ensured the demand for the gem. And the magical properties attributed to him made him popular among esotericists and healers.

What is jet: appearance, features, properties
What is jet: appearance, features, properties

A variety of coal, the araucaria fossil, was called both black jasper and black amber because of its similarity to other stones. The breed was named after the Gagai River, where the deposit was first discovered. In Armenian, the gem is called "gisher", "black night".

Appearance and features

Deep blacks sometimes take on a brown tint. The easily processed material is used not only for jewelry, but also for interior items. In terms of properties, gisher is similar to coal, also igniting. In terms of organics, it is similar to amber.

The jewelers set the jet in silver and gold. Copper is also popular as a frame. In exclusive designer jewelry, ivory can be used as a frame. The breed always looks massive, so even large jewelry is comfortable to wear. Often, rosary is made of jet.

For contrast, gisher is combined with amber or rock crystal.

What is jet: appearance, features, properties
What is jet: appearance, features, properties

There are three groups of black jasper known: small, medium-sized and durable stones suitable for processing. The former are distinguished by the depth of color, roundness of shape and matt gloss. Medium melts easily, and durable ones are resistant to external influences. The hardest rocks are found in Kamchatka.


Lithotherapists use the stone to restore health.


Jet is capable of:

  • solve problems of the skin, digestion, vision;
  • massage with it relieves joint pain and improves immunity;
  • normalize the lymphatic system;
  • reduce seizures;
  • improve kidney function;
  • reduce dermatological problems and manifestations of allergies.

Inhaling the aroma of burning gisher helps fight depression and improves concentration. Jewelry with lapis lazuli and jet is recommended for hypertensive patients.


For esotericists, a gem is a wonderful talisman. Wearing it contributes to the normalization of relationships, provides stress resistance and dedication to all signs of the zodiac.

What is jet: appearance, features, properties
What is jet: appearance, features, properties

The amulet is especially suitable for suspicious Cancers and Pisces. It helps you to defend your opinion and builds confidence. Scorpios and Capricorns will get rid of conflicts.


A fake from a real crystal will help distinguish the depth and intensity of the color. In the hand, the natural sample heats up quickly.

Melting at high temperatures is a clear sign of naturalness. To make sure of this, a small piece of stone is scraped off with a heated needle. A real gem gives off a characteristic scent.

The black jasper is kept in a casket upholstered in soft cloth, separate from other accessories. Gisher is afraid of temperature extremes: frost causes the stone to crack, and high temperatures cause melting.

The jewelry is washed in warm water. No cleaning products needed. An even shine will restore wiping with a woolen cloth.

What is jet: appearance, features, properties
What is jet: appearance, features, properties

A strikingly beautiful gem looks impressive solo, as well as in combination with other stones.
