Magical Symbols And Their Non-magical Uses

Magical Symbols And Their Non-magical Uses
Magical Symbols And Their Non-magical Uses

If luck bypasses us for a long time, then we consider it our duty to attract it. However, you should be careful when choosing the means to bring well-being to your home.

Magical symbols and their non-magical uses
Magical symbols and their non-magical uses

Dream catchers, bells, nesting dolls, amulets, amulets, "golden" frogs with coins in their teeth - what can you not find today in a souvenir shop. It is surprising not so much that this explosive mixture of symbols finds a place on the counter of the same Russian souvenir department, but rather a mixture of cultures in the minds of Russians.

The belief that a weighty frog put on the shelf of the closet will bring prosperity to the house plays an important role. However, experts in magical symbolism argue that faith alone is not enough. There is also something called genetic memory, an energy-informational field formed for millennia under the influence of the thoughts of our ancestors, which has passed the path of evolution. This works not even at the level of faith, but at the level of a person's subconsciousness.

Having stuffed the house with all sorts of symbols in the hope of attracting prosperity, happiness, health, we forget about the most important thing - about order in our own head. Only by ordering our emotions, thoughts, goals, we can count on further order in the family, in the service, in the state of health. After all, magic lives inside each of us. It consists of the objects that we surround ourselves with, of the food that we eat inside, of the plants that we settle next to us.

Human nutrition is not just a physiological process, because each product carries an energy-informational load. Therefore, it is completely useless to transfer the food system of another people to yourself. Experts have always believed that the healthiest products are those that are grown or harvested in the region of residence. The same principle applies to indoor plants, which exotic lovers try to have at home without fail. Cactus, all kinds of palm trees are, of course, symbols of prosperity, success, victory, but not ours.

In pursuit of the fashionable trends of Eastern philosophy, many buy amulets from bamboo, a material that supposedly brings longevity and happiness. Do not forget that in Russia the most magical tree since ancient times was mountain ash, which has powerful energy. No wonder they put her closer to the porch, as a protector from evil spirits and ailments.

And the willow is not just a sign of the approaching spring, but also protection from fires, natural disasters, and diseases. The white-bore beauty birch is simply attributed to cosmic properties. Therefore, you should listen to your intuition, learn about the properties of this or that sign, amulet, plant, before bringing them closer to you.
