Celestine Stone: Properties And Uses

Celestine Stone: Properties And Uses
Celestine Stone: Properties And Uses

Brittle and soft celestine turns red under the influence of high temperatures. The color of the stone varies from white to light brown. Large crystals suitable for jewelry processing are rarely found in nature. Since it is very difficult to process the material, all products made from it are unique.

Celestine stone: properties and uses
Celestine stone: properties and uses

Other names for the mineral are celestel or celestite. The mineral was first found in the 18th century in Sicily. In Madagascar, formations of a sky-blue hue were found, in Austria - transparent. The Turkmen finds are reddish-brown in color. Celestine often occurs on the seabed. Usually the stone forms beautiful large crystals up to 10 kg. They fluoresce in ultraviolet light.

Areas of use

From dolomite, barite or calcite that resembles it, the stone is distinguished by its mass, crystal shape and color. When heated under an open flame, real celestine turns red. Celesteel is easy to damage, so accessories from it are stored separately from other products.

For cleansing, take a soft damp cloth. Do not use any chemical agents, especially aggressive ones. The mineral quickly fades under the rays of the sun, losing its characteristics.

In industry, the gem is used to obtain strontium, which is part of the formation. It is used for the manufacture of pyrotechnics, for imparting hardness to aluminum and copper, as an anti-corrosion coating for zinc and aviation alloys.

Celestine has also found applications in the sugar, glass, ceramic and pharmaceutical industries. It is very difficult to work with stone. Therefore, only piece products are made from it.

Celestine stone: properties and uses
Celestine stone: properties and uses

Healing and magical properties

Celestite has a positive effect on the work of the nervous system, contributing to the alternation of periods of mental activity and its passivity. It helps to normalize blood pressure, blood supply, and helps to improve the condition of rheumatism. Found the use of the mineral in the treatment of eye diseases as a means of restoring vision.

The gem is endowed with magical abilities. It is believed that it helps to get rid of emancipation and isolation, promotes the disclosure of potential.

Celestel enhances feminine charm. He also makes men stronger both in the intimate sphere and in the business.

Celestine stone: properties and uses
Celestine stone: properties and uses

Who is Celestine suitable for?

The mineral relieves mental suffering, serves as a talisman when parting with loved ones and helps with other interpersonal problems.

  • Celestine relieves excess emotional excitability, giving the ability to make important decisions without mistakes.
  • The stone endows the owners with the gift of eloquence. As an amulet, celestite is worn daily, so as not to be afraid to speak in public.
  • The gem promotes the realization of talents, helps self-knowledge. Perfect as an amulet for people of creative professions.
Celestine stone: properties and uses
Celestine stone: properties and uses

The stone has an extremely beneficial effect on Gemini. Astrologers are silent about its influence on other signs. The talisman is equally effective regardless of size and variety. It is ideal for people who are confident and determined, purposeful.
