Ermolov Alexander Sergeevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Ermolov Alexander Sergeevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Ermolov Alexander Sergeevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

The health care system is formed from many components. First of all, it is necessary to ensure the prevention of diseases. The treatment process is considered no less important when a person is already sick. Alexander Ermolov is a leading surgeon with extensive experience.

Alexander Ermolov
Alexander Ermolov

Starting conditions

Technological progress creates not only a comfortable environment for a person, but also additional dangers. People are seriously injured in road traffic accidents every day. To save the victims and return them to normal life, the hospitals operate surgical and trauma departments. Alexander Sergeevich Ermolov headed the famous Sklifosofsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine for many years. He has hundreds of successfully completed operations on his account. Over the years, he has trained dozens of students who work in different parts of the country.

The future surgeon and administrator was born on May 18, 1934 in a family of hereditary doctors. Parents at that time lived in Moscow. My father was attending a reception in one of the city clinics. The mother worked as a procedural nurse in a children's hospital. From a young age, the child absorbed special terms that sounded in the house. It is not surprising that after the tenth grade, in 1951, Alexander decided to get a specialized education at the pediatric faculty of the 2nd Pirogov Medical Institute.


Professional activity

In his student years, Ermolov, like many classmates, moonlighted as an ambulance orderly. He had to travel to various industrial accidents and provide assistance to injured people. It was during this period that he was carried away by the work of a surgeon. Having received his diploma in 1957, the young specialist went to the North, to the mining town of Vorkuta. I had to work in the surgical department of the Central City Hospital. Alexander saw with his own eyes how his colleagues live in the provinces and what kind of stress they have to experience. The experience gained here was useful in the future career of a trauma surgeon.

Returning to the capital, Ermolov worked for several years as a surgeon in city hospitals. In 1962 he moved as an assistant to the Department of General Surgery at his native institute and took up scientific activities. I operated on a lot. I lectured to students. In 1966 he defended his Ph. D. thesis. In his works, Alexander Sergeevich paid special attention to victims with "concomitant" injuries, when a person has several organs damaged at the same time. He was able to significantly increase the survival rate of such patients.

Recognition and privacy

In 1975, Alexander Ermolov defended his doctoral dissertation. In 1999 he was elected a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences. Ermolov wrote 16 monographs and published almost a thousand articles on surgical topics.

The surgeon's personal life has developed quite well. Alexander Sergeevich was married twice. The first wife died five years after the wedding. The daughter was left in the arms of the father. The second marriage turned out to be longer. The husband and wife raised and raised a son and daughter.
