Who Is The Guard Of Honor Company

Who Is The Guard Of Honor Company
Who Is The Guard Of Honor Company

The Honor Guard Company is an elite military unit. Its recruits are rigorously selected to earn the right to represent their Fatherland at important meetings of foreign guests and accompany state events at the official level.

Honor guard of Russia
Honor guard of Russia

A company of the Guard of Honor is a military unit of the RF Armed Forces that provides guard and garrison services. The PKK participates in rituals of welcoming distinguished guests at the official level. Since the times of Peter the Great, company demonstrations have been an example of the skill of soldiers and officers.

A difficult but honorable duty

The soldiers who are part of the guard of honor company represent by their appearance a generalized image of the Russian soldier. Recruits are selected by officers who specially travel to different regions of the country. In all cities and towns, they are looking for exactly those who meet the company's standards. Each ritual in which the employees of the unit participate is an event of special significance. The top officials of the country participate in them. Recruits, being, in fact, the hallmark of the state, are selected on special conditions.

The special company leaves an imprint on everyone who has ever served in this military unit. The physical and moral requirements for recruits are very strict, and represent an unspoken and capital set of rules:

- the height of the recruit must be at least 180 cm;

- exemplary behavior;

- the presence of absolute health;

- natural Russian beauty;

- the presence of an ear for music;

- nerves of steel.

The honor guard is a high duty and a colossal responsibility. To serve in it is considered not only honorable, but also prestigious. Despite all the difficulties of drill training, all soldiers and sailors consider it an honor to be one of the soldiers of the elite unit.

PKK of Russia in detail

The honor guard, which welcomes the distinguished guests, consists of soldiers and sailors representing different types of troops: land, sea and airborne. The Marines are the tallest of them. The sailors and paratroopers are shorter. Ministers are usually greeted by infantrymen. For its special step and the ability to keep the back straight, like a string, the company received the name "ballet".

The dress uniform for the members of the company is sewn in a special atelier. Each product is individual for an individual warrior. The form should fit perfectly on the figure and not impede movement. Calfskin boots are also made to order, decorated with aiguillettes and chevrons trimmed in gold.

Demonstration performances of the company are always spectacular, irreproachable and represent a collective image of the skill and endurance of all Russian soldiers.