Who Is Called The Fighter Of The Invisible Front

Who Is Called The Fighter Of The Invisible Front
Who Is Called The Fighter Of The Invisible Front

Video: Who Is Called The Fighter Of The Invisible Front

Video: Who Is Called The Fighter Of The Invisible Front
Video: The Invisible Front Official Trailer 1 (2014) - Documentary HD 2025, January

The phrase, or in modern terms - "meme" - "fighter of the invisible front", was born in the period preceding the Second World War. Tentatively - during the Spanish war with the Nazis. It was then that dozens, if not hundreds of European and Soviet military men, journalists and ordinary guys who hated Franco, who had united with Mussolini and Hitler, became fighters of a war unrecognized in their countries - fighters of an invisible front.

scene from the movie
scene from the movie

A man was sitting on a park bench in a gray-gray coat, a black-black hat, black-black gloves, and black-black glasses. Next to him lay the magazine Ogonyok, which was obligatory in his hard work, but in his hands he held the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda. The man read the article about "The Elusive Indian Joe." This was the most famous Soviet fighter of the invisible front, who was waiting for the connected Joe. And it's not that nobody saw the fighter, just that nobody needed him, however, like his American brother, the elusive Indian Joe. Actually, it is this "invisibility" and "elusiveness" that distinguishes the fighters of the invisible front from the fighters of the visible front - with tanks and machine guns. The main thing is that they are all fighting with something and someone. If on "our" side - they are scouts and fighters, if on the side of the enemy - spies and aggressors.

Soviet-Russian reality

Under Soviet rule, intelligence officers, vigilantes, and anonymous officers were consistently called "fighters of the invisible front". Such is the degradation of this "meme".

Among the fighters of the invisible front, there were truly outstanding personalities. The lives of each of them are written and unwritten novels. But even about those about whom books have really been written, and to this day, much cannot be said. Much in their biographies still remains "top secret."

The special archives of the GRU of the Russian Federation keep secret for centuries personal files of legendary intelligence agents, thanks to whom the victory over fascism happened no later than the spring of 1945: Richard Sorge, Kim Philby, Rudolf Abel (Fischer), Julius and Ethel Rosenbergov, Yevgeny Bereznyak, Vladimir Barkovsky, George Blake, Gevorg Vartanyan, Konon Molodoy.

But the war is over and peacefully living citizens are not supposed to know about the new intelligence officers, otherwise they are not intelligence officers, but an unprofessional, stupid misunderstanding, such as those who have been disclosed in the United States in recent years: Vladimir and Lydia Guryev ("Richard and Cynthia Murphy"), Mikhail Kutsik and Natalia Pereverzeva (Michael Zottoli and Patricia Mills), Andrey Bezrukov and Elena Vavilova (Donald Heathfield and Tracy Foley), Mikhail Vasenkov (Juan Lazaro) and Mikhail Semenko, and, the most famous of all losers, - the apotheosis "sexy bait" Anna Chapman and journalist from Peru who worked in the USA for Russia, Vicky Pelaez.

Most likely, their "disclosure" happened also because, unlike their predecessors, who were "fighters for the idea", modern "fighters" from the GRU of the Russian Federation are "fighters for cash."

This is how the evolution, or rather the degradation of the concept of the “fighter of the invisible front”, proceeded: through the internationalist warriors and intelligence officers to the “art critics in civilian clothes” - the fighters against dissent in the KGB; then to the vigilantes - “assistants” of the militia, and more often than not simply self-asserting Komsomol boors who have grasped a little power; to anonymous people - people who write denunciations and libels in newspapers about unwanted neighbors and colleagues; and, in the final, to the "cash fighters".

Modern fighters

The era of the Internet has given rise to a new type of "fighters of the invisible front": they daily, modestly, but persistently, and sometimes with all possible passion for their chosen "cause", fight with the surrounding reality and enemies.

First on this list are sysadmins: system computer administrators. It is they, as a rule, completely stone-faced and indifferent to what is happening, who find the secret materials, buttons, daddies and passwords missing due to strange manipulations of the hands of computer "dummies".

The second can be called computer trolls - provocative strange personalities who, most often for very little money, but sometimes at the call of their hearts, strive to drive the participants of any Internet discussions to a frenzy, to white heat. In some ways, they are akin to the vigilantes who have gone into oblivion: they also like to assert themselves at someone else's expense and get some symbolic money for it.

But the third in the list of modern "fighters of the invisible front" can rightfully be homegrown conspiracy theorists: advanced housewives, popular bloggers, science fiction writers and historical "reenactors" - i.e. all lovers of world conspiracies, who bring to the surface those whom no one has ever seen, but who necessarily exist - simply cannot but exist - otherwise life is lived in vain.

Conspiracy theorists, as a rule, fight globally on the Internet - on a geopolitical scale. Their struggle is aimed at identifying and exposing the members of the secret world government and its conspiracy. It is still sometimes connected with the world Jewish conspiracy. True, it remains unclear why, if this conspiracy exists, the Jews, who in the twentieth century invented almost all military and technical means of mass destruction, will not finish off all their enemies at once and will not heal peacefully and blissfully. But for this, the conspiracy theorists have their own "irrefutable" arguments.

So, among the main enemies of the modern "fighters of the invisible front": the world conspiracy of business elites, the world government, freemasons, the Jewish "secrets of the Zion sages", and at the same time the non-systemic Russian opposition and NGOs, paid for by all of the above, and even fed with cookies from the State Department.