What Is Remarkable About Easter

What Is Remarkable About Easter
What Is Remarkable About Easter

2016 is not the only year when Easter falls in the month of May. The last time on May 1, Orthodox Christians celebrated Easter in 2005, and in 1983 the main holiday of all Christians fell on May 8.

What is remarkable about Easter 2016
What is remarkable about Easter 2016

Not every Christian knows how to correctly calculate the date of the upcoming Easter, which is determined with the help of Easter, specially adopted calculations according to the cycles of the Sun and Moon. The only thing that is invariable is the spring season, when the resurrection of the Savior is celebrated.

Usually the dates for Orthodox Easter range from April 7 to May 8. May is much less frequent, so Easter on May Day is rather late. Traditions from year to year, of course, remain unchanged: thorough cleaning in the house the day before, Maundy Thursday, baking cakes and cooking various sweets.

For someone in the tradition, a mandatory visit to church on this day. It seems that both believers and atheists will be pleased by the fact that in 2016, due to the coincidence of Easter with the holiday of Spring and Labor, there will be an additional day off - May 2.

Residents of the Siberian region should hurry up with some landings. Indeed, in Siberia, in the first days of May, work begins actively in the garden. If the weather permits, then you can plant everything you need in April, so as not to disturb the earth during the Easter week.