What Is Second Savior

What Is  Second Savior
What Is Second Savior

At the end of summer, Orthodox Christians celebrate three holidays, united by one name - Savior. The first of them falls on August 14 and is called Honey. Second Savior - Yablochny, celebrated on August 19. The third Savior is called Orekhov, and it is celebrated on August 29.

What is the Second Savior
What is the Second Savior

The Apple Savior, or the Lord's Defeat, originates from the event described in the Gospel of Luke. On this day, shortly before his death, Jesus Christ called his closest disciples John, James and Peter to climb Mount Tabor to pray. During prayer, Jesus was transformed - his face shone, his clothes became snow-white. The Old Testament prophets Elijah and Moses appeared to him. At some point, Jesus and the prophets were surrounded by a bright cloud, from which a voice was heard, addressed to Peter and his companions: "This is My Beloved Son, listen to him."

In theology, this event is interpreted as a general revelation of the Holy Trinity - Jesus from a mere mortal appeared as the son of God, of which the Lord testifies through a cloud, which is the Holy Spirit.

Ancestors noted that since the Savior of the Transfiguration the weather is also changing. This day is also called Oseniny, because it gives a climatic forecast for the coming autumn. If the day is dry, the same will be autumn, the day is wet - by the rainy autumn.

On the feast of the Transfiguration, bread, fruits and vegetables of the new harvest were brought to the church for consecration and only after that they were eaten. Whole carts were carrying apples to treat the poor and disadvantaged. Endowed them with other gifts of nature. This custom was so strict that those who did not follow it received public censure. It was believed that one should not have any business with such people.

The Apple Savior falls on the Dormition Fast, which in severity is equated to the Great, since during it the soul is healed. But on the day of the Transfiguration, it is allowed to break the fast a little. You can even have some fish, vegetable oil and wine. And, of course, apples, pears, plums, grapes, etc.

In the Transfiguration, it is supposed to remember the deceased relatives and friends. Their souls come to light on this day, and consecrated gifts of nature should be placed on their graves.