Sergey Fomin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Sergey Fomin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Sergey Fomin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

The history of the Orthodox Church is full of mysteries and contradictions. This topic remains open for further research. Sergei Fomin, writer, historian and publicist, has been analyzing past events and forecasting the future for many years.

Sergei Fomin
Sergei Fomin

Starting conditions

A person is formed not only by the family, but also by the environment. For a long time being surrounded by atheists, it is difficult to come to God. But when social foundations collapse, many people turn their gaze to heaven, not finding support in the vale of the earth. Sergei Vladimirovich Fomin was born on November 24, 1951 in an ordinary Soviet family. Parents at that time lived in the distant Siberian city of Irkutsk. Father, a career officer, served in one of the military units. The mother worked as a general practitioner in the city polyclinic.

Sergei grew up and was brought up in traditional Russian rules. They did not shout at him, did not weave nonsense, but prepared him for an independent life. They taught me to work. For several years the family lived in a wooden barrack with communal amenities in the yard. As a teenager, Fomin carried water from a well. Chopped firewood. In winter, he cleared the house area from snow with a shovel. In the warm season, he used a broom. The future journalist studied well at school. He was engaged in the athletics section. His favorite subjects were history and literature.


There was a functioning Orthodox church not far from the school. Sergei sometimes went there and carefully examined the icons and other attributes of the interior. At home, they never talked about religion. At school, in astronomy and geography lessons, it was unambiguously stated that there is no God in nature. As a teenager, Fomin did not pay attention to such contradictions. Was a pioneer. By the appointed time he joined the Komsomol. When Sergei was in the eighth grade, his father was transferred to a new place of service in Moldova.

Here Fomin began to actively participate in the work of a literary circle. At the suggestion of a literature teacher, he began to collect information about the period when the classic of Russian literature Alexander Pushkin was in Chisinau. This topic captivated the young researcher. Based on the results of the work done, he wrote several notes, which were accepted for publication in the local newspaper. Having received a certificate of maturity, Sergei tried to enter the Faculty of Journalism at the University of Chisinau. Unfortunately, the attempt failed. Two months later he was drafted into the army.


Journalistic everyday life

Having served as it should. Sergei Fomin returned to civilian life in 1974 and continued his hobbies. To get a decent education, he entered the history department of Moscow State University. Since it is very difficult for a student to live on one scholarship, Sergey began to earn money as a journalist. And not just earn extra money, but make a full-fledged career. He transferred to the correspondence department and successfully combined literary creativity and study. In 1980, being the head of the department of the Pobeditel newspaper, Fomin received a diploma in history.

Observing and evaluating the events of current days, Fomin turned his attention to events and processes in retrospect. Giving a lot of effort and time to the preparation of the next publications, he managed to carry out the current job as head of the department of the journal "New Frontiers". His areas of interest included the history of Russia and the history of the Russian Orthodox Church. In the early 90s, Sergei Vladimirovich was invited to the post of deputy editor of the anthology "Slavyanskiy Vestnik". In essence, this meant that his colleagues recognized him as an expert in this area of historical science.


Research and publications

Sergei Fomin became widely known for his collection of prophecies about the future of the country, entitled "Russia before the Second Coming." This titanic work required great efforts and time from the compiler. The first edition was published in 1993. The one-volume book was in great demand, and the issue had to be repeated the next year. It is interesting to note that the amount of information has continued to grow. In 1998, a new edition was published in two volumes. The author continued his work on the study of church historical documents.

With special attention, Fomin studied the sources of information about the personal predilections of the reigning persons. One of the obvious results of this approach was the collection of spiritual chants and prayers of Tsar John Vasilyevich. Great interest among specialists was aroused by the work of Sergei Vladimirovich about the righteous elder Fyodor Kozmich, under whose name the Tsar-Emperor Alexander I was allegedly hiding. Of course, not all historians shared the position of the researcher. But the discussion continues, and anyone who wishes has the opportunity to present their arguments "for" or "against" the stated version.


Successes and achievements

It is interesting to note that Sergei Fomin devoted many years to researching the deeds of the notorious Grigory Rasputin. The author of many articles and books speaks positively of this historical figure. For many years and fruitful work, Sergei Vladimirovich Fomin was awarded the Order of the Holy Passion-Bearer Tsar Nicholas in October 2016. His book "Guardian of the House of the Lord" was awarded the first prize in the category "Book - Event of the Year".

The personal life of a researcher and a writer can be told in a nutshell. He has been happily married for a long time. The husband and wife raised two daughters. Unfortunately, the eldest daughter passed away at the age of twenty-one. Sergey Vladimirovich continues to work. His wife helps him in everything.
