Orthodox Prayers For Parents

Orthodox Prayers For Parents
Orthodox Prayers For Parents

There is always a very strong sacred connection between parents and children, which fixes the ancestral affection between ancestors and descendants. Even in the New Testament, the story begins only after the entire genealogy of the Son of God is written, starting from Adam - the first man on Earth. At first, the children are under the protection of their parents, and only then the grown sons and daughters become the support for the aged mother and father. This must be clearly remembered so that the connection established from the centuries is unshakable and monumental.

Ascension of the soul to the Lord in prayer
Ascension of the soul to the Lord in prayer

First of all, you need to take care of the health of your parents. Indeed, during their lifetime, each of the sons and daughters has the opportunity to pay off the lifetime debt that was accumulated during the period when parents, not sparing their strength and health, were engaged in the upbringing and care of their children. Of course, the religious tradition does not bypass the funeral prayer rules for deceased parents, but the most important task of children is to take care of their most comfortable old age and to be ready to help every minute of their lives.

The power of prayer is in the purity of thoughts
The power of prayer is in the purity of thoughts

And what can be more effective in caring for elderly parents than a sincere appeal to the Lord - our Savior - and all His saints ?! Of course, the spiritual aspect of human life is more important than the material one. Therefore, it is the fervent prayer for the health of the parents and the wish for their longevity that seems to be the most effective means of caring for them.

Basic concepts when praying for the health of parents

The basic rule of human life is based on its cyclical nature, in which first parents take care of their children, and then the grown-up kids take their place to care for and take care of a respectable old age. Despite the relevance of the traditional problem of generations, praised by many classics of the literary genre, the Christian tradition has stood for the protection of the rights of the older generation for centuries.

Conflict situations between parents and children are objectively caused by the difference in the perception of the current realities of life. However, a reasonable compromise and a basic rule of respectful attitude of the younger to the elder must be unconditional. After all, no one is immune from erroneous decisions and delusions. But with all this, descendants are obliged to respect and honor their elders on the grounds that it was they who gave them the opportunity to live.

Before praying, you need to clear your thoughts of vain thoughts
Before praying, you need to clear your thoughts of vain thoughts

It is important to understand that a prayer request to the Lord and His saints for the health of parents has not only a direct meaning, directed to their health and well-being, but also a feedback in the form of softening the hearts of the petitioners. After all, it is the accumulated grievances and mutual reproaches that are the stumbling block in the relationship between parents and children. And in the case of prayer, these negative feelings are leveled by a bright feeling of love for your neighbor.

In this context, it is worth remembering the words of Jesus Christ "Pray for your enemies", which are directly aimed at softening the hearts and cleansing the souls of the petitioners. Despite the fact that mothers and fathers, of course, are not enemies, the principle laid down in this cleansing technique itself works flawlessly.

It is also important that sons and daughters may not always be near their mothers and fathers. And for the action of the spiritual aspect, conditioned by sincere prayer, it does not matter what distance lies between them, since the supernatural nature of the relationship is not subject to the laws of spatial overcoming, but corresponds to the epithets of Omnipresence, Infinity and Omnipotence that are inherent in our Lord Jesus Christ.

An important strengthening of the prayer for the health of parents can also be the mention of grandparents in it, because ancestral ties with ancestors are so fundamental that any immersion in their depth will be precisely in the nature of an increase in the power of influence.

You can pray for the health of your parents at any age. But it must be remembered that this must be done only with regard to living parents. There are special prayer rules for departed people!

Despite the miraculous nature of children's prayers for the health of their parents, it is necessary to show practical care for them in the form of regular visits, help in everyday matters, including material and moral. The care and support of older relatives (especially parents) should also concern the interest in their opinion and advice on various everyday situations.

What prayers to use

There are many prayers for the health of parents in the Orthodox tradition. Of course, most often Orthodox Christians turn to the Lord: “Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I appeal to you for the health of my parents. Have mercy and help them cope with serious illnesses, and with sore ailments. Give them strength to pray the righteous and prolong the years of life on the sinful Earth. Thy will be done. Amen. . Prayers can be found in any Orthodox prayer book, and in those moments when you really want to turn to God, but the words of the prayer slip from memory, and there is no prayer book at hand, you can turn to the Lord in your own simple words. In this case, not specific words are of greater importance, but precisely purity of thoughts and an ardent impulse of the heart, corresponding to righteous motives.

With heartfelt prayer, you need to ascend to the Lord with all the strength of your soul
With heartfelt prayer, you need to ascend to the Lord with all the strength of your soul

The Orthodox prayer tradition has many thematic prayers from various Orthodox saints who are venerated in our country. Most often, Orthodox Christians turn in their prayers for the health of their parents to the Mother of God, Matrona of Moscow, Nicholas the Wonderworker and other saints.

It is important to remember that a prayer appeal for the health of loved ones should be addressed to the Lord quite regularly, and not only during their illness.

Basic prayer rules

Prayers for the health of parents should be said regularly and regardless of the current relationship with them. It is important to understand that even if parents deny the existence of God or their belonging to other religious concessions, one should ask the Lord and His saints to help them. For a more correct attitude to prayer in this case, it is advisable to consult a priest.

Prayer is a manifestation of Love for your neighbor
Prayer is a manifestation of Love for your neighbor

It is best to establish order for yourself to read a prayer for the health of your parents during the morning and evening readings of the prayer rules in front of the images. If, while reading a prayer, there is no opportunity to contemplate the image to which it is addressed, do not despair. After all, this holy paraphernalia only helps to tune in correctly, but is not a panacea.

In addition, it is advisable to light a lamp or church candles while reading prayers. However, the most important thing is to stay in a calm mood and silence, so that all thoughts are maximally focused on the words of prayer.

However, it is best to pray for the health of neighbors in the church, where it is recommended to buy twelve candles in the church shop, order a prayer service for health (name) and put candles (three each) in front of the images of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Matrona of Moscow. Before each image, read three times "Our Father" and the prayer of the given saint.


For the health of our loved ones and especially our parents, it is necessary not only to take care of them in practical terms, but also to provide spiritual support. And for this, prayer for their health can serve as the most effective means. This method of spiritual connection with our ancestors has been tested in the centuries-old Orthodox tradition and has no better analogues.

An important advice for those who begin their spiritual exploits in this field can be the rule when, after visiting an Orthodox church, one should call or make a visit to their loved ones to talk to them. This will allow to consolidate the emotional impulse on a practical level, when love with them acquires not only speculative, but also the most real character.