Which Icon To Put A Candle To To Pass The Exam

Which Icon To Put A Candle To To Pass The Exam
Which Icon To Put A Candle To To Pass The Exam

The saints help in everything, including in such an important matter as study. Knowledge is light. And the pursuit of knowledge, as well as obtaining good results, is undoubtedly a godly business. One can and should ask the saints about success in studies and good luck in the exam.

Academic success is a godly business
Academic success is a godly business

How to light a candle for exam success

There are some simple rules that need to be observed in the church when a candle is placed on an icon. It is better to ask for help in advance, and not on the eve of the exam. Success is laid during the period of study, therefore in the church even prayers are served before the start of the school year about successful studies.

Before going to church, you need to prepare a note where you indicate the names of the saints to whom the prayer is addressed and to whom the candle will be lit. In addition to the names of the saints, you should indicate your name and the names of your family members, friends, relatives (baptized). Anyone who cares about your academic success.

Who should light the candle for success on the exam?

A candle with a prayer for help in exams is put to Saints Cyril and Methodius, as well as to the Monk Sergius of Radonezh, the Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, the Apostles Peter and Paul. The experience of the lives of these saints is used, since it was they who had the greatest relation to their studies.

Saints Cyril and Methodius are two brothers who created the Slavic alphabet and translated the first books into the Slavic language. Who, if not them, help them pass the exam.

The Monk Sergius of Radonezh, on the contrary, was pious from childhood, but incapable of learning. Studying was not given to him. Until one day, after praying to God, he met a wise stranger. Sergius of Radonezh tasted from his prosphora and received an extraordinary talent and zeal for learning.

Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir, the founder of Russia, opened the first schools in Russia after his baptism.

Peter and Paul, the beloved helpers of Jesus, enlighteners and wise men, will help in their studies. The founding tsar of the Byzantine empire, Constantine, and the wise queen Helen are his mother. The holy Great Martyr Catherine, who lived in the 6th century and possessed a rare mind and ability to study many sciences, will endow with extraordinary wisdom.

But these saints, in turn, are mediators between God and the one asking. And why not ask God himself, the Son of God and the Mother of God for help. You can put candles to the icon of Jesus Christ, to His Crucifixion or the Big Cross, which can be found in any temple. Then to the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos with the Child in her arms. And to his saint Heavenly patron, in whose honor they were baptized. And after that, you can ask the saints who directly help in your studies.

It is not necessary to light candles for everyone. You need to choose a saint who most of all wants to pray and, having heard your soul, turn to him with a request for help.