Why Put A Candle On The Icon Of St. George

Why Put A Candle On The Icon Of St. George
Why Put A Candle On The Icon Of St. George

A candle in front of an icon is a prayer appeal to God or to a saint, in front of whose icon the candle is placed. This is a symbol of the divine light and the light of our soul, like a fire of a flame directed upward, towards God, with prayer. Any prayer will be heard in Heaven, but some of the saints are addressed with specific requests.

Why put a candle on the icon of St. George
Why put a candle on the icon of St. George

Saint's life

The Great Martyr George the Victorious is one of the most revered saints. It has been popular since ancient times, back in the days of early Christianity. In his youth, he entered the military service at the court, was distinguished by intelligence, courage and strength, becoming the favorite of the emperor. However, when the persecution of Christians began, George distributed all his rich property to the poor and appeared to the emperor, declaring himself a Christian.

He was subjected to terrible torture for seven days, but each time the next day he was miraculously healed. And before his execution by prayer, he destroyed the pagan idols in the temple. All this converted a huge number of people to the Christian faith, who witnessed miracles or heard about them from eyewitnesses.

What to pray to Saint George

George, the former commander of the imperial bodyguards, is now considered the patron saint of all warriors. During the invasion of the homeland of enemies, believers pray for the defenders of the homeland. Saint George is also the patron saint of farmers (his name comes from the Greek word for "farmer") and shepherds. In some countries, he is also considered the patron saint of travelers. Therefore, they turn to him with prayers for the offspring of livestock, and for luck on the hunt.

As the legendary winner of the Serpent, George is asked to get rid of poisonous snakes and heal from diseases. They pray to the holy Victorious even for the birth of children and for the return of lost babies. In general, they trust him with all their aspirations and hopes.

It should be noted that in the Slavic tradition there are, as it were, two images of St. George. One is close to the church cult, where the great martyr George is the victor of the serpent and a brave warrior. Another (sometimes called Saint Yegor, but this is the same George the Victorious) from popular beliefs, he is the owner of the land, is associated with the cult of agriculture and cattle breeding: the peasants ask him to protect the herds from predators and help the shepherds, pray for rain, good offspring of livestock and rich harvest. On the holiday of "spring St. George's Day" - one of the days of the memory of St. George - for the first time after winter they drove cattle to the fields.

In addition, Saint George, like other saints, can be prayed for strengthening faith in the soul, for intercession before God and forgiveness for sins. Parishioners ask George for protection from evil, because he is a brave warrior and protector, a fearless fighter for Truth.

You can read canonical prayers, but if the believer does not know these texts, you can formulate the request in your own words - the appeal will be heard in any case.