When The "balzac Age" Comes

When The "balzac Age" Comes
When The "balzac Age" Comes

The popular expression "a woman of Balzac's age" is familiar to many. It sounds so peculiar that the first associations that arise in the imagination are that this woman is definitely not young, perhaps even of advanced years.

When comes
When comes

However, the first impression can be deceiving not only about people, but about all things in life in general. For example, various quotes and expressions in exactly the same way can be misinterpreted, while their original meaning can be distorted beyond recognition. It is to such expressions that the "balzac age" belongs.

History of the term

The history of the term dates back to the 19th century. This century was extremely rich in outstanding musicians, writers, poets, architects, scientists, politicians, inventors. It was in such a century rich in colorful events that one of the greatest French prose writers, Honore de Balzac, worked. In the middle of the century, he wrote his famous and popular work "The Thirty-Year-Old Woman" (La Femme de trente ans). It was after the publication of this novel that the expression "Balzac's age" was born.

Age category "Balzac age"

The main heroine of this literary work, the Viscountess d'Eglemont, was distinguished by a rather independent behavior, expressive expression of feelings and independent judgments that ran counter to the dominant public opinion. The first time after the publication of the novel, the term was used with some irony in relation to women, with their behavior clearly reminiscent of the behavior of the main character of the work. Later, they began to call women aged 30-40 years. Balzac's contemporary critics noted that the writer "invented" a woman of thirty.

More than a hundred years later, the meaning of the expression has radically changed the meaning. Now, when the expression “woman of Balzac's age” is mentioned, it is believed that it means a woman over 40 years old, which, by definition, is fundamentally wrong.

On the Internet, you can find articles and forums where "Balzac's" describes a woman of 40-50 years old, and also provides arguments in favor of the statements. There is, of course, some sense in this. Since thirty years in the 19th century is quite comparable to the present 40 years. However, it is important to remember what is the history of the expression.

Perhaps many people have encountered a negative reaction from women as soon as the latter heard the term addressed to them. As a rule, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are offended by the fact that, they say, they were called old. This only testifies to the fact that lovely ladies simply do not know the true meaning of this expression.
