Sometimes you can hear people complaining that others treat them not at all the way they would like. Someone complains that no one cares about him and there is no one to support him, someone lacks friendly sympathy and attention, someone complains that his beauty is invisible to others. Many of us simply do not understand that it is possible to change people's attitude towards themselves only if you change yourself.

Step 1
Decide for yourself - what you need from others, what you want to get from communicating with them. Maybe the informational component of communication is important for you, or maybe warmth and attention, salvation from loneliness. Communication with people is a certain emotion that it evokes in you. You like it when you are loved, respected, praised, you feel satisfaction when you are loved for who you are. It is this desire for love that dictates your desire for communication. For the sake of being loved, you sometimes do things that you don’t want to do and say “yes” when you want to say “no”.
Step 2
Realize for yourself that the motive behind your actions is the desire to please and the fear of not pleasing others. After all, this can be a subject for manipulation of you, including by those people who just want to use you, while not loving or respecting at all.
Step 3
There is another way to get the love of others, while not making sacrifices and not losing your self-esteem, satisfying your own interests, and not the interests of other people. And this path is quite simple: love yourself. When you start to respect and value yourself, to prioritize your interests and the interests of those who are really dear and close to you, when you accept yourself as you are, the attitude of those around you will change. A person who loves and respects himself also treats other people in the same way, recognizing that they have exactly the same right. And people feel it.
Step 4
If you do not love yourself, then it is difficult for others to do this too. You constantly demand increased attention to yourself, you are constantly disappointed and offended. Friendly participation and love of others constantly goes into that "black hole", which is your dislike for yourself. Only you yourself are able to "patch" it in order to fill the vessel of your love. Do not make claims to others who, as it seems to you, are indifferent to you. Remember that they treat you the way you treat yourself.