On March 28, 1999, the first episode of the animated series Futurama was released on the American Fox Network. The series takes place in the future, in the XXXI century, in the city of New New York. The main characters of the animated series are employees of the Planet Express company, one of them is Hermes Konrad.
Planet Express is an intergalactic cargo delivery company founded by Professor Farnsworth. Its composition is rather motley. Fry is a man who works as a courier. Leela is a mutant cyclops ship pilot. Bender is a scrapped robot, but survived. Dr. Zoidberg is an alien, a company doctor. Amy Wong is an intern. And Hermes Konrad - handles all the paperwork of the company.
Hermes Conrad is a native of the island of Jamaica, a very pedantic person, a bureaucrat by nature. Age - about forty years old. Has a dark skin color, dark hair that resembles dreadlocks. Hermes always wears rectangular glasses, wearing a greenish suit, white shirt and red shoes.
Hermes got his name in honor of the ancient Greek god of trade, profit, cunning and eloquence, because he himself possesses all these qualities.
Hermes is a thirty-sixth grade bureaucrat. Throughout the history of the series, he was once promoted to thirty-fourth grade and the same number of times demoted to thirty-seventh grade. His bureaucratic inclinations manifested themselves in childhood, Hermes was very fond of putting his things into equal parts and was very upset when someone violated the order he had built.
In the company Planet Express is from the foundation, as can be judged by his stories about the past crews of the company. He is the only one of the main characters in the series who is married and even has a teenage son.
Interesting Facts
In his youth, Hermes played for the Earth national team at the Olympics and competed in the 500-meter limbo, but parted with the sport after a tragic incident at the games. A Hermes fan jumped onto the field and wanted to repeat his tricks, but fell and broke his spine.
Initially, limbo is a dance that involves a person passing under the bar facing it.
At the 3004 Olympics, Hermes repeated his attempt to return to the sport, but at the finish line he was let down by his physical form - a belly that appeared over the years spent without training.
Against the background of all the employees of the company, Hermes Konrad is the most ordinary person who is satisfied with his life and work and does not look for big adventures from life. He is very fond of bananas, periodically uses sayings in his speech. In addition, Bender owes his life to him. Hermes did not send the robot to the scrap, because during the check, he considered it very nice and found it fit, after which he was dismissed from the post of controller.