Who Is Hermes And What Is He Famous For

Who Is Hermes And What Is He Famous For
Who Is Hermes And What Is He Famous For

One of the twelve mythical gods of Ancient Greece was the god of trade, guile, eloquence - young Hermes. He was distinguished by mischief, served as a "messenger of the gods" and sometimes even fooled the inhabitants of heaven.

Hermes (Mercury)
Hermes (Mercury)

Mischievous god Hermes

According to mythology, Hermes was the son of the main Olympic deity - Zeus and the beautiful galaxy of Maya, who was the eldest daughter of the titan Atlanta. Hermes is the god of trade, profit, dexterity, eloquence, and deceit. He was called "the messenger of the gods", so Hermes is often portrayed as a clever young man in winged sandals or in a hat with wings. He was a kind of mediator between gods and people, as well as a guide of the souls of the departed people to the dark kingdom of the god Hades.

The main attributes of Hermes are winged sandals and a rod. He used the latter to lull or wake people up - in order to convey a message from some god, and this was usually done in a dream.

Hermes is also portrayed as a cheerful, mischievous young man, rushing at great speed to anywhere in the world, especially if you need to transfer something from one god to another. He was also revered as the patron saint of travelers, travelers and trade representatives. It was believed that he, in gratitude for the generous sacrifices, was able to make trade profitable, and people very rich. As the god of deceit, deceit and cunning, he encourages and protects dodgy deceivers and even thieves. It is believed that Hermes stole and deceived, rather, out of mischief and interest, which characterizes his dual nature.

Hermes is an unsurpassed master of eloquence, charming speeches from his lips were able to convince people of anything. He also had his own rod, with the help of which he closed the eyes of people, immersing them forever in eternal sleep. After that, he accompanied them to the underworld of the dead.

According to legend, the god Hermes invented measures, alphabet, numbers and taught people.

What the god Hermes is famous for

Hermes is known for the fact that in his free time from patronage and mischief, he fulfilled the orders and whims of Zeus. So, on his orders, he stole a snow-white cow, into which the jealous Hera turned Io, sold the mighty Hercules into slavery to Queen Omphale, stole fifty beautiful cows from Apollo himself, and even in infancy. He also stole personal belongings from other Olympic deities. For example, Zeus has a scepter of power, Ares has a sword, Apollo has golden arrows and a bow, Poseidon has a trident. In honor of the mischievous Hermes (Mercury), the first planet from the Sun is named - Mercury, which just as briskly moves across the sky and never lags behind the star by more than 28 degrees.
