What Movie To Watch About Teenage Love

What Movie To Watch About Teenage Love
What Movie To Watch About Teenage Love

Some people prefer to watch love movies. One of the most popular films about teenage relationships is the melodrama "A Walk to Love", filmed in 2002 by Adam Shankman.

What movie to watch about teenage love
What movie to watch about teenage love

A delightful movie about love

This is a story about a strong, pure and sincere love of two people of different souls: a school star, a guy named Landen Carter, and Jamie Sullivan - a quiet, nondescript and reserved daughter of a priest, who is an outcast and an object of ridicule in the classroom.

Once, as punishment for another "trick" - a classmate through the fault of Carter and his friends went to the hospital - Landon is left after school: to clean up the classroom, to take part in the school play. Carter turns to Jamie for help.

During the performance, Landon saw Jamie with different eyes - surprisingly soulful, talented and beautiful. And, unexpectedly for myself, fell in love with her.

Love for Jamie completely changes Landon: he begins to look at life differently, leaves his friends and spends all the time with his girlfriend. Jamie did not immediately, but still believed in Landon's love. Soon, the guy finds out that Jamie has a list of the most cherished desires, and in the first place on her list is to get married in the church in which her mother was married.

The acting is amazing - you believe their every word, you live the whole film like your own life. The selection of actors for the main roles is simply incomparable. Great music sounds in the film.

Strong movie scene: Jamie's classmates taunt in the dining room, she turns to leave and bumps her forehead against Landon's shoulder.

The movie that people cry when they watch

After some time, Landon learns that his beloved is sick with leukemia. Killed by this news, he drives in the car and cries - tears are flowing in a stream. This is a very powerful scene in the film.

Desperate, Landon turns to his father for help, although he and his mother have long severed any relationship with him. So love for Jamie helps Landon to find his father again and make peace with him. Soon, Landon proposes to Jamie. They get married in the church in which Jamie's parents were once married - and the girl's most cherished wish comes true.

The lovers spend a delightful summer together. Then Jamie dies, and Landon fulfills her entire list of wishes in memory of her.

A few years later, Landon returns the diary to Jamie's father, which she once gave him.

This picture teaches to rejoice in every day lived, teaches to value love, friendship and loved ones. This is a beautiful, stunning and touching film that everyone should watch at least once.

If you decide to watch this movie, be sure that you will not regret your choice. This painting has touched the hearts of hundreds of thousands of girls and boys around the world. No one will remain indifferent to this love story.
