What Every Muslim Should Know And Observe

What Every Muslim Should Know And Observe
What Every Muslim Should Know And Observe

Islam is one of the youngest monotheistic religions. The first mentions of it date back to the 7th century. The Prophet Muhammad is considered the founder of Islam. Islam has a number of clear principles and provisions that every Muslim must know and observe.

What every Muslim should know and observe
What every Muslim should know and observe

Fundamentals of the Muslim faith

First of all, every Muslim must know the so-called pillars of the faith of Islam. In Islam, there are five principles or pillars of faith, which are based on the holy scripture of Islam - the Koran. The first pillar says that there is no deity but Allah. A Muslim believes in one God, the creator of all things, and polytheism is considered one of the most terrible sins. A respectable Muslim also believes in the angels of Allah. The Koran says that the angels closest to the Creator are the angel of Revelation Jibril; the angel broadcasting the decisions of Allah about the fate of people, Israfil; the keeper of hell Malik; angels who meet and interrogate a person after death, Munkar and Nakir; angels of testing Harut and Marut; the angel of death and the keeper of paradise Israel.

The third principle of the Muslim's faith prescribes unshakable faith in the prophets - the messengers of Allah. The scriptures and stories about the life of Muhammad instruct the Muslim to receive all the messengers of the Creator. There are more than 120,000 of them, but the most faithful are nine. Muhammad is considered to be the "seal" of the prophets - it was through him that Allah transmitted the Koran to the people.

The fifth pillar of faith is faith in the coming Day of Judgment. Also, every Muslim must believe that everything happens according to the will of Allah. According to the Qur'an, Allah knows everything, and whoever believes in him is on the right path.

What prescriptions every Muslim must follow

First of all, every Muslim must perform the shahadah, i.e. give a ritual testimony stating that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger. Islam is based on the formula of monotheism, and, pronouncing the shahadah, a person becomes a Muslim, testifying of his loyalty to the one Creator - Allah.

A true Muslim must perform namaz, i.e. say five obligatory prayers per day in the appropriate ritual form. Thus, a Muslim communicates with Allah. Before reciting namaz, a Muslim must perform wudu '- ablution. The first prayer must be read at dawn (fajr), at noon the zuhr is read, asr is the evening prayer, the maghrib is read at sunset, isha is read at nightfall, at night the Muslim is obliged to read the vitr.

A Muslim is obliged to fast in the month of Ramadan. During this period, Muslims refuse to eat and drink, smoke and intimate relationships during the day.

A true Muslim must make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in his life. The pilgrimage or Hajj is carried out in the month of Dhu'l-hijjah - this is the fourth month after Ramadan.

Also, Muslims are obliged to make donations to those in need - zakat. The Qur'an says that a Muslim should not only perform rituals of prayer, but also help those who need help, or help the community. By performing zakat, a Muslim purifies his soul.