Alina Kiziyarova is a domestic film actress. She is known under the name Lanin. She gained popularity thanks to her roles in films such as Sasha Tanya and Defenders.

Alina Lanina was born on March 3, 1989. It happened in Yekaterinburg. Alina's parents had nothing to do with cinema. Dad worked at a factory, and mom worked as a journalist. But at the same time, in their free time, they were engaged in creative affairs. Mom wrote stories, and dad painted pictures. Alina was also drawn to creativity. She began dancing at the age of three, often performed in front of loved ones with small scenes.
The girl's parents did not live together for long. When Alina was 6 years old, her father left. The girl has a brother, Mikhail, who was born in the second marriage of the actress's mother. There are also half-brother and sister. Stepfather Alina immediately refused to call her dad and spent almost every weekend with her father.

Alina did not want to become an actress. But she decided to get her education at the theater school. Mom advised her that. The first year the girl studied at a paid department. However, later, for excellent studies, she was transferred to a free form of study. As a result, the girl graduated from drama school with honors.
Successful career
During training, he made his debut on the theater stage. For several years, Alina Lanina managed to play in a dozen performances.
In her student years, she made her film debut. In Yekaterinburg, the movie "Barbara" was filmed, in which Anna Snatkina got the main role. Alina played a secondary role. But the film project never came out.
After graduating from the institute, Alina began to attend auditions and theaters. But for several months she was denied both work and roles. But this could not last long. Alina still managed to get the role. She appeared in a small episode in the serial project "Trail". But the next role became the main one. Before the audience, a charming girl appeared in the popular motion picture "Wedding Ring".
The girl's first popularity came after the release of the project "Secrets of the Institute for Noble Maidens". Viewers could see a talented girl in the form of Elizabeth. By the way, in the struggle for the role, Alina bypassed more than 600 applicants. A significant role in this was played by her spectacular appearance.
After the release of the series, Alina began to be recognized on the street. As the actress herself admitted, this caused a lot of inconvenience. Usually they approached her when she went out to the store, unpainted and unkempt, to buy something for a stock. It was hard for the aspiring actress with money then.

Alina Lanina got the next leading role in the film "Wind in the Face". She appeared before the audience in the form of Dina Chaikina. Thanks to this role, Alina managed to cope with her insecurity and excessive modesty. Subsequently, she said that she simply had to love herself.
The role in the multi-part project "Sasha Tanya" turned out to be successful for the girl. Before her fans she appeared in the form of Sylvester's wife. Then there was the movie "Shards of a Crystal Slipper". By the way, it was during the work on this project that Alina took a pseudonym, becoming not Kiziyarova, but Lanina.
Among the successful projects of the charming actress, one should also highlight such films as "Prince of Siberia" and "The Defenders". Although the second motion picture was met with controversy, it was thanks to her that Alina gained wide popularity.
Off-set success
Alina Lanina prefers to remain silent about her personal life. Therefore, it is not known whether her heart is occupied or not yet. According to the girl herself, her man should be smart, generous and active. He must respect his parents and his girlfriend, love children.

In addition to filming films and performing on the stage, Alina loves to sing and dance. She is a master at driving and knows how to fence. Can speak English and is fond of martial arts. She is especially attracted to the stage fight.
Interesting Facts
- Alina's mother refuses to watch films with the participation of her daughter. She just turned on the detective once and saw how the girl was killed by a maniac. It was after this episode that she stopped watching films in which Alina was filmed. The only film she watched to the end is The Defenders.
- Alina is a "home" girl. She dreams of a big family. The actress admitted that her career is far from the first place.
- The girl in an interview admitted that she had a relationship at school. However, her boyfriend was subsequently imprisoned.
- Alina has an Instagram page. She regularly pleases her fans with new photographs.