Writer's Vocabulary

Writer's Vocabulary
Writer's Vocabulary

The biggest nuisance that awaits many aspiring writers is the realization that he is a lousy writer, that his vocabulary is scarce. What to do?

Writer's vocabulary
Writer's vocabulary

To be honest, I can come up with good stories, but my vocabulary is poor, but I will proudly add: every day I replenish this vocabulary.

How I did it and do it. At first, I took the Ozhegov Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language and tried to grow wiser with the help of this dictionary. I got to the letter D and gave up. Not much has increased in my head. Although sometimes I still open it. Ozhegov's dictionary should always be at hand for a writer - it's like a calculator at the hand of an accountant.

I began to read different authors, and not only the authors of stories, novels and novellas, but also scripts. And in a separate notebook I began to write out the words that I know, I understand their meaning, but for some reason I don’t use them in my works. Let me give you an example. My heroes always, when someone called them, "turned" to shout, but it turns out it would be more correct to write "turned around".

Then, having caught fire, I began to sort the "new" words in the same notebook according to the following principle:

1. Words used in describing nature, weather, etc.

2. Words used in the description of the area.

3. Crime words, jargon, etc.

4. Words used to describe a person's character.

5. Words used to describe a person (fat, overweight, lipped, sunken cheeks, etc.)

And what have I achieved? Words began to fit in my head, like my family.

Just never stop writing. Write every day. It doesn't matter with what words. Write! Only in practice, you will gain experience and learn to apply your new knowledge. Learning is useless without practice.
