Religion As A Way Of Knowing

Religion As A Way Of Knowing
Religion As A Way Of Knowing

Religion plays a double role in the life of mankind. On the one hand, it is a social role in which it is designed to unite people under one banner, regardless of their social status. On the other hand, this is an individual role, with its help a person can cognize the world around him.

Religion as a way of knowing
Religion as a way of knowing

When we meet with something unknown, unknown, there is a sincere desire to learn at least some information about this object or event. Some people need it for self-improvement, development of erudition. Others - to have something to talk about with their acquaintances, colleagues, friends.

The process of cognition in general looks quite simple: he saw / felt, felt certain emotions, tried to clothe all this in some images, words, objects.

If everything is simple with the first two categories of cognition: we are endowed with everything necessary by nature, then the latter requires some preparation from us. Even professors are not ready to immediately explain some phenomena, what can we say about "average" people?

Religion appeared in human life at a time when it was no longer possible to leave numerous questions unanswered: why is this so and not otherwise, and why is this happening not tomorrow, but today, and many others. Of course, one can object to this, that there is a science, which from the moment of its appearance also plays the role of an instrument of knowledge of the world. The answer to such an objection is simple: at the time when religion was born, people were not yet sufficiently developed to accept those rudiments of science, which they already had, as one of the foundations of their existence. Moreover, science today is not ready to answer absolutely all the questions that arise.

Whoever actually created religious treatises on the basis of which the entire system of religion is built, they managed to create a unified system of explanation of absolutely all manifestations of the surrounding world. Probably for this reason in the history of mankind there was a certain period when religion and science were perceived as opposing sides. After all, science began to try to explain what had already been explained.

In multivolume written works, the first religious leaders tried to explain all the already known objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, and also gave parting words - what to do if you encounter something unknown. From now on, all who profess this religion have the opportunity from birth to easily understand any events. And this did not require any education. Even those who cannot read fluently can exchange knowledge with each other orally. This is what the ancestors did, until science began to replace religion in various spheres of life.

In the modern world of religion, there is only one area where it can be useful as a means of knowledge - philosophy. Only here there are questions that science cannot answer even tentatively.