What Orthodox Saints Are Remembered On November 15th

What Orthodox Saints Are Remembered On November 15th
What Orthodox Saints Are Remembered On November 15th

Every day the Orthodox Church commemorates the memory of holy people. In the church calendar, under every day of the year, there are always the names of many devotees of piety, known for their virtuous life and strong confession of the Christian faith.

What Orthodox saints are remembered on November 15th
What Orthodox saints are remembered on November 15th

On November 15, in the new style, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the holy martyrs Akindinos, Pegasius, Anempodistus, Athos and Elpidiphoros. The saints underwent torment in the 4th century after the Nativity of Christ in Persia during the reign of King Sapor II. Pigasius, Anempodistus and Akindinus were grandees under the Persian ruler. During the persecution of Christians in the first centuries, it was enough to convey to people professing the faith of Christ. The nobles suffered from such a report.

The righteous were also charged with the fact that they openly preached Christianity, converting many people to the faith. For this, the king ordered to torture the righteous. They tried to burn the saints at the stake, but the Lord saved them: an angel appeared and freed the prisoners from prison bonds. After that, it was decided to burn the holy martyrs on a hot bed, but this did not bring harm to the righteous.

Seeing such miracles, many pagans believed in Christ. Among them were the warrior Athos and the nobleman Elpidifor (later they also suffered torment). The angry ruler, seeing how the Lord retains his followers, ordered Pigasius, Anempodistus and Akindinus to be sewn into bags and thrown into the sea, but even here the Lord saved his saints. However, the saints were destined to endure martyrdom. The righteous were burned in a furnace.

On November 15, the Orthodox Church commemorates the memory of the holy Reverend Markian of Cyrene. The ascetic became famous for his exploits of fasting and prayer, and strove for solitude. Ascended in a small hut near the city of Kirra. Soon people began to come to Marcian in the hope of starting a monastic life under the guidance of the saint. It was decided to set up a small monastery. The Monk Marcian had the gift of working miracles. It is also known from his life that the saint was overshadowed by heavenly light at night during prayer. The righteous man died in the year 388.

Among the Russian saints whose memory is celebrated in the Church on November 15, it is worth mentioning the new martyrs. In 1918, the holy martyrs Konstantin Yurganov and Anania Arestov suffered for the confession of the Orthodox faith. The saints had priesthood.