What Musical Instruments Are Wooden Spoons

What Musical Instruments Are Wooden Spoons
What Musical Instruments Are Wooden Spoons

Wooden spoons are a Russian folk percussion instrument that stands out for its originality. They remain very popular to this day. And in folklore and instrumental ensembles, spoons are a must.

Wooden spoons - an original percussion Russian folk instrument
Wooden spoons - an original percussion Russian folk instrument

Musical wooden spoons

Musical wooden spoons are usually made from maple or birch. Linden is not used for their manufacture, as it is considered a more fragile wood with a dull sound. Already in the 18th century, soldiers' choirs and ensembles of musical instruments played on spoons. Attaching bells to the handles, buffoons used spoons for rhythmic accompaniment to dances, performing perky and comic songs.

Since wooden spoons are a percussion instrument, they are played using all sorts of techniques, getting a wide range of noise sounds. They are usually played on two, three, four and five spoons at a time. They knock both on their own and on the neighbors' spoons. There is no special educational literature for playing this instrument. Spoon musicians are forced to use open playing techniques.

Basic techniques for performing on two spoons

Knees - knock with spoons on the left palm and on the knee of the neighbor sitting on the right.

Click - put the first spoon with the convex side up on the left palm and hit it with the second. The sound produced is similar to the clatter of hooves.

Balls - two spoons are held with the right hand with their backs facing each other: the first is between fingers 1 and 2, the second is between fingers 2 and 3. At the expense of 1, 2, 3, 4, they hit the knee with spoons, and the tools, like balls, jump away from knee.

Shoulders - knock with spoons, which are located in the right hand, on the left palm and on the shoulder of the neighbor sitting on the left.

Circle - knock on the left palm, left, then right shoulder and right knee.

Swing - knock with spoons on the knee and on the left hand, located at eye level. At the same time, slightly tilting the body to the left and right.

Pendulum - sliding strikes of the first spoon on the second, reminiscent of a pendulum. Hit the backs of the instruments or the handle of the first spoon on the back of the second. The spoons can be held both vertically and horizontally.

Arc - on account of "1" - a blow to the knee is made. On the count of "2" - hit on the left elbow.

Ruler - knock on the left palm, on the left knee, heel and floor.

A ratchet is a very common method of playing - a musical instrument is placed between the knee and the palm of the left hand and blows are made.

Sunny - they knock on the left palm, slowly raising their hands and drawing a circle above the head from left to right.

Basic techniques for performing on three spoons

Horse - in the left hand 2 spoons, in the right - 1. With the left hand, the spoon is pressed with the thumb to the palm so that the reverse side is directed upwards. The second one is placed between 3 and 4 fingers so that the reverse side "looks" to the reverse side of the first spoon. The brush is squeezed, a blow occurs. A third spoon is placed in the right hand.

On the count "1" do a sliding blow with the third spoon (right hand) down on the first spoon (left hand).

On the count of "2" - squeezing the left hand, get hit with the back sides of the first spoon on the second.

On the count "3", the palm of the left hand with the first and second spoons is turned downward and a sliding blow directed upwards is made with the third spoon (right hand) on the handles of the first and second (left hand).

On account "4" - repeat the same as on account "2".

Grace notes - sliding blows (from oneself or to oneself) on the first and second spoon with the help of the third.

Each spoon contains the skill and work of Russian artisans. The spoon musician puts a certain force into each beat, producing different sounds. Thanks to this, the game, even using the simplest techniques, turns into real art.