When Is Lyudmila's Name Day

When Is Lyudmila's Name Day
When Is Lyudmila's Name Day

The name Lyudmila from the ancient Slavic language means "dear to people". Many girls are called this name, not only in Russia, but also in Eastern Europe. It is known that as early as the tenth century, these names were used, for example, in the Czech Republic.

When is Lyudmila's name day
When is Lyudmila's name day

There are two dates for Lyudmila's name day, since in the Orthodox calendar there are two women who are glorified in the face of saints with that name. One of them is called the martyr Lyudmila of Czech, the other belongs to the number of the new martyrs of Russia.

On September 28, according to the new style, the Russian Orthodox Church commemorates the memory of the holy New Martyr Lyudmila Petrova. This woman suffered in 1937, at a time when the wave of persecution of Christians in Russia was one of the strongest. It is worth noting that the holy new martyrs are the heavenly patrons of those children who were born after 2000, because it was in this jubilee year that the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church introduced a decree on the glorification of people who suffered during the persecution of Christians in Russia.

On September 29, the Orthodox Church commemorates the memory of the holy princess Ludmila of Czech, who also endured torment for her confession of the Christian faith. The holy martyr lived in the 10th century and was the wife of the Czech prince Borivoj. From the life of the martyr it is known that she adopted Christianity after the sermon of Saint Methodius, during his preaching the gospel in Moravia.

After the death of her husband Borivoj, who was a pious Christian, his brother Vratislav, who also adhered to the Christian faith, ascended the throne in Bohemia. However, after the death of Vratislav, the throne temporarily passed to the wife of the latter, Dragomira, who, although she called herself a Christian, was inclined to pagan customs.

Dragomira began to renew pagan traditions, which was impeded by Princess Lyudmila. The saint even achieved that Dragomira was removed from power. For this Dragomira decided to take revenge on the pious Christian woman, ordering her to be killed.

In 927, while praying to the holy princess, murderers broke in and strangled her. After the death of the holy martyr's relics, they became famous for many miracles, and it was decided to transfer them to Prague for worship.