Actor Vladimir Korenev: Biography, Film Career And Family

Actor Vladimir Korenev: Biography, Film Career And Family
Actor Vladimir Korenev: Biography, Film Career And Family

A native of Sevastopol and a native of the family of a rear admiral - Vladimir Borisovich Korenev - was able to realize himself in a creative career to the highest level of the People's Artist of Russia, becoming the idol of millions of Soviet and Russian fans. Behind the shoulders of the people's favorite there are many theatrical performances and film works. Moreover, Vladimir Borisovich himself claims that for him theatrical activity is much more important than cinematic.

The master's view of the future of humanity
The master's view of the future of humanity

The unforgettable role of Ichthyander from the cult Soviet film "Amphibian Man" does not require additional comments for anyone, becoming a real legend. This fascinating look and beautiful appearance of Vladimir Korenev for many years were the standard of masculinity and beauty for the female half of the Soviet empire.

Brief biography and career of Vladimir Korenev

On June 20, 1940, the future brilliant artist was born on the Crimean land. Due to the nomadic life of the family associated with the activities of his father, who served with the rank of Rear Admiral in the country's navy, Vladimir often changed schools. He graduated from secondary education in Tallinn, and here he became an active participant in theatrical activities in the local drama club. And then there was GITIS (Androvsky's course).

From 1961 to the present day, Vladimir Korenev has been a permanent member of the troupe of the Stanislavsky Moscow Drama Theater. And since 1998 he has been the bearer of the prestigious title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Among the wide list of successful theatrical projects with his participation, I would especially like to highlight "Heart of a Dog", "Bourgeois Nobleman", "Talents and Admirers" and "Cunning and Love". It was here that the talent of the great artist shone most brightly, in the opinion of the entire theatrical community.

As is usually the case in this field of activity, Vladimir Borisovich really became popular after filming in cinema. In his filmography, in addition to the legendary film "The Amphibian Man" (1962), which was awarded the "Silver Sail" prize at the International Film Festival, there are forty-five films. Soviet films with his participation deserve special attention: "Children of Don Quixote", "Sons of the Fatherland", "Light of a Distant Star" and others.

Successful film projects of the Russian era, where there were characters performed by Vladimir Korenev, can be safely attributed to the following: "The Blind", "Deadly Force-5", "The Last Confession" and "Detectives of the District Scale".

Currently, the People's Artist of Russia is actively involved in teaching, directing and continues to appear on the stage and film sets.

Personal life of the artist

The family life of Vladimir Borisovich Korenev is remarkable. The only marriage with actress Alla Konstantinovna was registered in 1961. In this happy family union, a daughter, Irina, was born.

Today the whole family serves in the same theater and tries to never be separated. But the family idyll of the famous actor was not always cloudless. Known for his short romance during the filming of the film "Striped Flight" with Margarita Nazarova. Also in 2016, in the TV program Let Them Talk, Andrei Malakhov, in front of the whole country, examined a case from the artist's intimate life in the sixties, connected with the illegitimate daughter Yevgenia, who was born from a certain Natalya Ivanova.
