What Is Classicism

What Is Classicism
What Is Classicism

The word "classicism" in translation from the Latin language means exemplary. This is an artistic direction in the art of the 17-18 centuries. Antique art was a model for classicism. The creators of this style believed that everything in the world is based on the ideas of reason and laws, logic and clarity, and they embodied these principles in their works.

What is classicism
What is classicism

All types of art, according to the classicists, should be created in accordance with certain canons. At the same time, they were more interested in the eternal - that which remains unchanged. In everything they tried to see the main, the essential, the typical. In the aesthetics of classicism, art is assigned an educational function.

For classicism, not only the sample itself is important, but also strict orderliness. All genres were divided into high and low. Ode, tragedy, epic were considered high. Low - satire, fable and comedy. Mixing of essential features of genres was not allowed. Heroes were strictly divided into positive and negative. The subjects were chosen heroic, mainly from ancient art. Three principles were important: unity of place, unity of time and unity of action. The work should have one storyline, events should take place in one place and fit in time in one day. Thus, a clear, harmonious composition, certain themes, plots, types of heroes, clarity and simplicity of meaning are all components of the aesthetics of classicism. But often the images in classicism look frozen, since they are devoid of individual traits, it is, rather, the embodiment of any social trait.

In the era of classicism, architecture reached a special heyday. It was characterized by a layout, clarity of lines and strict volumetric forms, symmetrical composition, restraint of decorative design. The architectural style of classicism is based on the antique order. The Senate Building and the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg are considered striking examples of this style of architecture in Russia.

The French artist Nicolas Poussin is rightfully considered the founder of classicism in painting. His paintings on antique and biblical subjects are examples of classicist art. They amaze with their beauty and grace, clarity of lines and sublimity of the paintings by Francois Boucher.

In Russia, classicism flourished later than in Europe - in the 18th century, thanks to the transformations of Peter I. Special merit belongs to MV Lomonosov, it was he who carried out the reform of Russian versification, developed the "theory of three calm" (styles), adapting the French theory of three principles to Russian reality and art.